***Anaheim Ducks vs. LA Kings GDT 2/24/24 7:30pm on BSW***

Part 1 - How many TOTAL HITS will there be by BOTH teams combined in today's game?
You can take 2 guesses
(Ducks average is 24, Kings average is 21)
Part 2 - How many SAVES will the KINGS GOALIE make in today's game?
You can take 2 guesses

for both parts: +/-1 = 1 point, Dead On = 2 points
So 4 total points possible -
Only your closest guess will count for points

Gracias McSusan!

I think with the Ducks being total ass, the "rivalry" just isn't quite there anymore. So I'll go with low hits.

Part 1 - 39 and 43
Part 2 - 21 and 23

Go Kongs.
I'll go with 43 or 52 hits

24 or 26 saves

My new phone is so awesome (Galaxy S24 Ultra). Just took this from my seat in 315
Feels like a patchwork D for tonight but you gotta play with what you have
The hell is going on with the BSW feed? It's unable to broadcast the game, as all I see are the Ducks and Kings logos with no video clip to show the live broadcast. Once again, the hacks at Ballys are screwing up their jobs with the broadcasting. Seriously, fire those deadbeats.

EDIT: Nevermind, they finally brought back the feed. Still, stupid Bally jerks.
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Lotsa orange jerseys in here. Booooo!!
That wrap-around went straight through the blue paint when the net was open. Good thing Ducks are a bad team.
Lotsa orange jerseys in here. Booooo!!

Let's hope those partisan Quacks fans are not Kings fans who have become turncoats and switched sides simply because of what happened this past January. If that were the case, screw them. Now I know there are actual Ducks fans who stayed with the team for years and haven't changed loyalties but I'm getting the feeling they've gained some newly minted ones who are likely former Kings fans themselves.
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A tale of 2 teams. Kings over pass, create nothing. Ducks just go to the net and create opportunities. When will these guys learn.
Maybe this PK will settle them down
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