All Things:RADIO


didn't realize this thread got the chop.

Don't restart too much these days, but there were a few of us who still like the radio...

Howard Stern ‘Hurt’ By Comments Made By Artie Lange & ‘Stuttering’ John Melendez –– Rages At Comparison To Don Imus

Kinda sad. And I still wonder why Gilbert Gottfried is persona non grata on the show. So bad, that Gilbert did a podcast with Howie invited to AGT, and posted pics with everyone EXCEPT Howard. A Stern show minus Gilbert, Billy West, Artie, Jackie TJM, and Stuttering fun. If I have to suffer through another PitBull interview...
In a weird way I kind of agree with them. But I still enjoy it. When he's only on twice or three times a week there's less time to get annoyed with the show.

I do really miss gilbert gottfried.

The tributes to Eric this week have brought me joy.
Hey Now, Howard Stern Won’t Be Leaving Sirius XM Anytime Soon

In other Stern news, Gilbert Gottfried was on the Opie & Jim show yesterday, filling in for Jim Norton. So that, I am sure, is the death knell for any chance of him coming back to the Stern show. Still not sure what the original beef was, seems to have started with Gilbert doing a podcast. Of course, it was exacerbated when, on said podcast, he had Artie Lange and apparently there were things said that may not have been as positive as Howard would prefer. Add another classic guest alongside Artie and Billy West that will, in all likelihood, never be on the show again. Has Howard lost his edge? Yes and no. He has gotten older, and with that he has lost a lot of the anger he once had. Still a great show...just different. Glad we get another 5 years, regardless.
Hey Now, Howard Stern Won’t Be Leaving Sirius XM Anytime Soon

In other Stern news, Gilbert Gottfried was on the Opie & Jim show yesterday, filling in for Jim Norton. So that, I am sure, is the death knell for any chance of him coming back to the Stern show. Still not sure what the original beef was, seems to have started with Gilbert doing a podcast. Of course, it was exacerbated when, on said podcast, he had Artie Lange and apparently there were things said that may not have been as positive as Howard would prefer. Add another classic guest alongside Artie and Billy West that will, in all likelihood, never be on the show again. Has Howard lost his edge? Yes and no. He has gotten older, and with that he has lost a lot of the anger he once had. Still a great show...just different. Glad we get another 5 years, regardless.
Gilbert is still one of the best and should come back anytime. Beefs with him often eventually end so hopefully he will return at some point. I also have open permission from my wife to fly to new york should HowardCon ever become a reality.

Happy with 5 more years, which in turn means 5 years of more mick the nerd.

Might take the wife to Dixie Chicks at the hollywood bowl just to see if Flat Ronnie makes it?? (okay probably not)
Gilbert is still one of the best and should come back anytime. Beefs with him often eventually end so hopefully he will return at some point. I also have open permission from my wife to fly to new york should HowardCon ever become a reality.

Happy with 5 more years, which in turn means 5 years of more mick the nerd.

Might take the wife to Dixie Chicks at the hollywood bowl just to see if Flat Ronnie makes it?? (okay probably not)

Artie Lange's brutally honest interview: Howard Stern will 'never' ask me back


Well, this won't help. I feel for Artie. I do. And I love the guy. He was, like Billy West before him, an addition to the show whose accomplishments were so great that they became the stuff of legend. BUT, he still has an addict's mentality. He burned that bridge. Fabulously. And we all laughed along as he did it. But to be mad at Howard for distancing himself...well that's junkie 101. And, bemoaning it in the public eye, well...that isn't going to help. Yes, Howard's show is very diluted now. It's a little banter, a semi a-list interview, a cursory stab at the news...and a 3day work week. He's earned the right to do the show he wants to do. I find myself disinterested half the time, because the effort, the drive, just ain't there no more. But then I listen to Sternthology, and it reminds me just how alive the show was for so long. I have to say, Jim Breuer coming in the other day...and genuinely making Howard and Robin laugh out loud, turned back the clock if only for a minute. It is what it is.
Artie Lange's brutally honest interview: Howard Stern will 'never' ask me back


Well, this won't help. I feel for Artie. I do. And I love the guy. He was, like Billy West before him, an addition to the show whose accomplishments were so great that they became the stuff of legend. BUT, he still has an addict's mentality. He burned that bridge. Fabulously. And we all laughed along as he did it. But to be mad at Howard for distancing himself...well that's junkie 101. And, bemoaning it in the public eye, well...that isn't going to help. Yes, Howard's show is very diluted now. It's a little banter, a semi a-list interview, a cursory stab at the news...and a 3day work week. He's earned the right to do the show he wants to do. I find myself disinterested half the time, because the effort, the drive, just ain't there no more. But then I listen to Sternthology, and it reminds me just how alive the show was for so long. I have to say, Jim Breuer coming in the other day...and genuinely making Howard and Robin laugh out loud, turned back the clock if only for a minute. It is what it is.
Yeah I'm over that whole saga.

I find a lot of the A list/B list interviews boring lately, although mostly because it's with people I don't care much about. Breuer was fantastic though. Being a relatively new parent, his dad stories had me cracking up. And the ac/dc impressions. His music is actually pretty good!

JDM was on Howard this morning, totally justifying my mancrush on him. Just seems like a genuinely good dude.