All Things : Saturday nights alright for fighting...GGGGGGGG SEVEN

Who are you to wave your finger?
You must have been outta your head.

Foot in mouth and head up ass.
So whatcha talkin' 'bout?
Difficult to dance 'round this one
'Til you pull it out, boy!

You must have been so high.
You must have been so high.
see_stars: :smoke:
Susana Hoffs the Jewish woman who launched a thousand boners during the '80's.

. Kingsqueen and I have this whole friggin tapestry of hipster weirdness available and we seldom take advantage of it.

West Ho is weird, Queer, and Jewish, haha.

Have you been to Canter's Deli?

Dunno. Not to far from Golden Apple's comics store, no? I love that place. :D
One last one before I go to sleep.

Sometimes a dolphin needs to get Jazzy before going to sleep. It helps with the dreams, haha.


After the 'events' of the other day...I finally unnerstand the rise of PUNK in England. I really just want to hear ****ed up angry music for the past couple a days,
we need to concentrate on making this the Liquid Television/USA Up All Night thread as opposed to the celebratory T.G.I.F thread.

I guess I must be doing this thread right since I am having a hard time remembering my last posts here, haha. Mmmm, Susanna Hoffs.

Hmmm, I was thinking this yesterday. Is Uncle Al gonna gives us some anti-Trump Ministry albums? :think:

Well it would not be Liquid Television without this one
Not liquid television but late night none the less

Speaking of MTV cartoons, my parents had issue with me watching Beavis & Butthead. Haha.

99 waaaysss to diiiiieeee!

But I, and other kids for that matter, could get away with the homoerotic and naughty double entendre filled Ren & Stimpy.

Ren's voice always sounded to me like a Mexican version of Peter Lorre, haha.
I keep forgettin' I post in this thread, haha.

I wish I could play the Sax. So awesome.

Jazzy Orphy strikes again. :D
It's too quiet here tonight.

The state of this country's politics makes me want to seize some American land and start my own country.

This will be its National Anthem.

Who's with me?


Now Chirping

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