Anyone still watching Penny Dreadful? I'm 3 1/2 (or 4 1/2) episodes in and I'm thinking of quitting on it. It's not bad, but it's kind of boring. :(
Anyone still watching Penny Dreadful? I'm 3 1/2 (or 4 1/2) episodes in and I'm thinking of quitting on it. It's not bad, but it's kind of boring. :(

I'm still hanging in there. it's bored me a little bit at times, but then something bat**** crazy happens in the last minute and suddenly I'm back watching it the next week. it's started to lose me a little here and there, but I'm not quite ready to give it up just yet.
I am saving up episodes. I don't think enough happens weekly, going to try it as a binge entity. I keep thinking they are going to break the far it's been just a few really good bits wrapped in hints and teases.
Penny Dreadful has just enough good acting and storylines (albeit at a slow pace) to keep me interested. The action "scene" on the ship from Sunday's episode was pretty cool, but it was so dark it was a little hard to follow. Based on upcoming previews, it seems like they're going to pack a LOT into the final 2 episodes..
I gave up on it. I'm short on DVR space and have to get ready for the 25 shows FX is starting this summer, apparently. Gonna need all that space.
When Penny Dreadful started, some peeps were saying that it's like a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen that works, which leads me to this, why won't they leave LEG Alone? :pssst:
When Penny Dreadful started, some peeps were saying that it's like a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen that works, which leads me to this, why won't they leave LEG Alone? :pssst:

Short answer...Public Domain characters with expired trademarks and recognizability.
Penny Dreadful was awesome this week!

"Then read her the last rites and get the **** out you stupid man"

Where the hell did that come from Josh Hartnett?

finale should be fun..
Penny Dreadful season finale thoughts????

it didn't really feel like a season finale to me, but it finally confirmed everyone's theory that Ethan is a werewolf (duh) and probably Jack the Ripper too, and that Brona will be the Bride (kinda hoping the reanimated version won't have that accent)

Malcolm killing Mina actually shocked me.....and Dorian Gray needs to go away. he hasn't done anything besides have weird hair and **** everyone and it's pissing me off that he's just a plot device instead of an actual character at this point. booooooooooooooooo!!
I thought the Penny Dreadful finale was a decent one. Wrapped up enough story lines to satisfy, but maybe twisted too many of them all at once. Most of the show has become background fodder to me, though, except the Frankenstein story, which is among my favorite things on TV, probably.
I liked the season finale.

Dorian's story seemed like it could be wrapped up - he got a tear and that's that. But I can see him coming back into the fold as well.

Mina getting shot was pretty crazy.

Methinks Ethan is going to be none too happy when he finds out Brona is the bride of frankenstein..
Masters of Sex: Season One Blu-ray Review

Masters of Sex plunges deeper and deeper, never skimming the surface or resigning itself to shallow waters. The result is a mature, satisfying series that explores sexuality and the years preceding the sexual revolution with a thoughtfulness and timeliness befitting its cast and behind-the-camera pedigree. Paramount's Blu-ray release is quite notable as well, thanks to a terrific video presentation, solid DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 surround track, and small but informative selection of special features. All in all, Season One is an easy purchase to recommend.

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