Thanks Susan! Happy New Year!
LA... KINGS! LA... Kings?
Part 1 - Who is going to score the FIRST KINGS non-shootout goal of 2023?
I'll go with Danault, Vilardi, Kempe, Durzi, Kopitar
Special shoutout to my Asian brother who will score tonight too.
Part 2 - At what time of the game will that First Kings Goal be scored?
use the min:sec of the __ period format
You can take 2 guesses for part 2
+/- 2:00 = 1 point +/- 1:00 = 2 points +/- :10 = 3 points
15:00 in the 1st period (5 mins remaining)
19:40 in the 2nd period (20 seconds remaining)
Go Kongs