Danault played 8:46 against McDavid and Draisaitl lines...

I'd imagine he would play against them more in Games 3 and 4 since the Oilers have the last change.
McDavid looked kinda pissed as he was leaving the ice last night.
I really have decided upon a Danault jersey, and I think my wife wants a Moore one. Tho I kinda want both. And she gets none. Sneer. I ain't bought one since round 1 2012.
Were you expecting him to be grinning ear to ear after a loss?

NBA/NFL culture hasn?t hit the NHL?YET

They all make millions, smile and go home. There is still some genuine hate in the NHL, but it gets harder and harder with so much FA movement across professional sports.
And they managed to get 1 shot during that time.


Phil needs to get in a little better shape so he can play 60 minutes. The Kings will be unbeatable.

1-2 Punch of Danault and Kopitar is something unique around the league. Not saying they'll lead us to the out of the first round but to have two elite 200' Centermen is a luxury that not many coaches get to deploy on a nightly basis.
1-2 Punch of Danault and Kopitar is something unique around the league. Not saying they'll lead us to the out of the first round but to have two elite 200' Centermen is a luxury that not many coaches get to deploy on a nightly basis.
The Kings don't have two elite centers either. Kopitar is not "elite" any longer by any stretch of the imagination. Still good, yes. But he was 61st in points and 140th in goals in the NHL, and that's despite being on the first PP unit, where he managed 6 goals. He was a -6 on the season. There's probably a dozen centers better than him in the league, maybe more. That's not elite.
Kopitar looked good last night. I know he didn't score,but he was involved in 3 or 4 good chances and was solid defesively.He did look tired at times and I don't think he can play that many minutes every game,but I'm glad to have him.
The Kings don't have two elite centers either. Kopitar is not "elite" any longer by any stretch of the imagination. Still good, yes. But he was 61st in points and 140th in goals in the NHL, and that's despite being on the first PP unit, where he managed 6 goals. He was a -6 on the season. There's probably a dozen centers better than him in the league, maybe more. That's not elite.

You might want to let the head coach know that Kopitar isn't elite. He rolled him out there for 25:41 to Danault's 22:45 in Game 1. Yes Danault had a great game 5v5 against McDavid and Draisaitl, but so did Kopitar. McDavid and Draisaitl did their damage against the 3rd and 4th lines and on the Power Play. That is what elite offensive players do to average to borderline NHLers. They dominate them.

Danault does a lot of the heavy lifting to be certain but to act like Kopitar isn't in the same tier of Center as the guy on his own team who he outscores, outchances, plays more minutes than on a nightly basis and outperforms on the faceoff dot is pretty short sighted. Do you know what Kopitar did to McDavid in the faceoff circle in Game 1? Kopitar won 75% of their draws 6/8 (3/4 in the defensive zone). This feels like the laughably silly, in retrospect, Mike Richards is better than Kopitar arguments rehashed. Comparing the stat totals of Kopitar vs. the rest of the league when you know this team isn't built to run and gun doesn't make much sense. In fact Kopitar has never had a team built to score goals. So what's the point in comparing him to Centers that are asked to fill the stat sheet after 16 seasons in the league? Silly.
You might want to let the head coach know that Kopitar isn't elite. He rolled him out there for 25:41 to Danault's 22:45 in Game 1. Yes Danault had a great game 5v5 against McDavid and Draisaitl, but so did Kopitar. McDavid and Draisaitl did their damage against the 3rd and 4th lines and on the Power Play. That is what elite offensive players do to average to borderline NHLers. They dominate them.

Danault does a lot of the heavy lifting to be certain but to act like Kopitar isn't in the same tier of Center as the guy on his own team who he outscores, outchances, plays more minutes than on a nightly basis and outperforms on the faceoff dot is pretty short sighted. Do you know what Kopitar did to McDavid in the faceoff circle in Game 1? Kopitar won 75% of their draws 6/8 (3/4 in the defensive zone). This feels like the laughably silly, in retrospect, Mike Richards is better than Kopitar arguments rehashed. Comparing the stat totals of Kopitar vs. the rest of the league when you know this team isn't built to run and gun doesn't make much sense. In fact Kopitar has never had a team built to score goals. So what's the point in comparing him to Centers that are asked to fill the stat sheet after 16 seasons in the league? Silly.

The Kings will never win a cup with Kopitar as 1st line center!
Comparing the stat totals of Kopitar vs. the rest of the league when you know this team isn't built to run and gun doesn't make much sense. In fact Kopitar has never had a team built to score goals. So what's the point in comparing him to Centers that are asked to fill the stat sheet after 16 seasons in the league? Silly.

First of all, you have a chicken and egg issue - teams built around Kopitar are not going to be high-scoring teams because the team's top center is not a run and gun player. Comparing stat totals is silly? There's not much else, except advanced stats, which are not terribly kind to him either. He's where offensive chances go to die these days, especially on the PP, and he's a big part of the reason the PP is as bad as it is; it ain't the coaches. I don't care how much lipstick you put on that pig, six PP goals for your top center who gets top PP minutes is abysmal. He's still elite defensively, but he's mediocre offensively. Gifted offensive forwards are more rare, and therefore more valuable, than defensive ones. Being a top offensive player without providing much defense still makes the forward elite; the opposite is just not the case.

Kopitar used to be in the conversation as one of the league's top ten centers, he's just not one of them anymore. You don't need anything besides eyeballs to see that he is not what he once was in the offensive zone; not close. He's a high-end Michael Handzus now. Don't get me wrong, Michael Handzus was a terrific player in his own right, but he was not one of the best players in the league. Neither is Kopitar. He wouldn't be the top center on a lot of teams in this league, and would not even be the second line center or several.
First of all, you have a chicken and egg issue - teams built around Kopitar are not going to be high-scoring teams because the team's top center is not a run and gun player. Comparing stat totals is silly? There's not much else, except advanced stats, which are not terribly kind to him either. He's where offensive chances go to die these days, especially on the PP, and he's a big part of the reason the PP is as bad as it is; it ain't the coaches. I don't care how much lipstick you put on that pig, six PP goals for your top center who gets top PP minutes is abysmal. He's still elite defensively, but he's mediocre offensively. Gifted offensive forwards are more rare, and therefore more valuable, than defensive ones. Being a top offensive player without providing much defense still makes the forward elite; the opposite is just not the case.

Kopitar used to be in the conversation as one of the league's top ten centers, he's just not one of them anymore. You don't need anything besides eyeballs to see that he is not what he once was in the offensive zone; not close. He's a high-end Michael Handzus now. Don't get me wrong, Michael Handzus was a terrific player in his own right, but he was not one of the best players in the league. Neither is Kopitar. He wouldn't be the top center on a lot of teams in this league, and would not even be the second line center or several.

I hate this because it A reminds me how much of a miss at center Vilardi is and B how reliant we are for Byfield to grow up fast given Kopi and Danault’s ages. He’ll need to seriously be a number 1 center in 23-24 if cup competition is viable any time soon.

How many more seasons beyond that can Phil play as 2c and Kopi as 3? Once Phil ages into 3c who centers the second line? I know. Long way to go. But makes you think.
First of all, you have a chicken and egg issue - teams built around Kopitar are not going to be high-scoring teams because the team's top center is not a run and gun player. Comparing stat totals is silly? There's not much else, except advanced stats, which are not terribly kind to him either. He's where offensive chances go to die these days, especially on the PP, and he's a big part of the reason the PP is as bad as it is; it ain't the coaches. I don't care how much lipstick you put on that pig, six PP goals for your top center who gets top PP minutes is abysmal. He's still elite defensively, but he's mediocre offensively. Gifted offensive forwards are more rare, and therefore more valuable, than defensive ones. Being a top offensive player without providing much defense still makes the forward elite; the opposite is just not the case.

Kopitar used to be in the conversation as one of the league's top ten centers, he's just not one of them anymore. You don't need anything besides eyeballs to see that he is not what he once was in the offensive zone; not close. He's a high-end Michael Handzus now. Don't get me wrong, Michael Handzus was a terrific player in his own right, but he was not one of the best players in the league. Neither is Kopitar. He wouldn't be the top center on a lot of teams in this league, and would not even be the second line center or several.

Connor Mcdavid is the number one center according to the NHL and had 10 PPG all year long.
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Connor Mcdavid is the number one center according to the NHL and had 10 PPG all year long.
So that's 40% more than Kopitar, if my math is correct (or 65%, depending on which way you're counting). He also had half the assists of McDavid. 43 PP points vs. 22. Obviously, Kopi doesn't have Draisaitl to pass to or get passes from, but stat comparisons between McDavid and Kopitar are not going to look good, because McDavid is the 1% of the 1%.



A funny thing happened: the idea for Danault was to take defensive pressure off Kopi to free up Kopi to be more offensive-minded. Well, as it worked out it is Kopi who's taking defensive pressure off Danault to free up Danault to be more offensive-minded. Danault's stats indicate his defensive game is not as good as it has been in the past, but his offensive game has obviously blossomed playing with Kopi. Case and point:

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Guys give it up.Santiclaws does not have a very good opinion of Kopitar and you aren't going to change his mind.
The Kings don't have two elite centers either. Kopitar is not "elite" any longer by any stretch of the imagination. Still good, yes. But he was 61st in points and 140th in goals in the NHL, and that's despite being on the first PP unit, where he managed 6 goals. He was a -6 on the season. There's probably a dozen centers better than him in the league, maybe more. That's not elite.

My apologies. Kopitar clearly isn't in the same class as McDavid, Draisaitl or even Danault. He's very obviously a step below and his play in the Oilers series was atrocious. The faster Byfield is ready to slot up the faster we can put Kopitar where he belongs, 3rd line and off the 1st unit PP.

Now Chirping

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