Evander kane claims kings fan spit on young supporter's jersey ....

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UPDATE: 3:23 PM PT -- Sources tell us the Kings are aware of the allegations and looking into the situation.

Edmonton Oilers star Evander Kane says a number of Kings supporters turned a dream trip into a complete nightmare for a young fan last week ... accusing L.A. backers of harassing and spitting on her jersey during a Stanley Cup playoff game.

Evander shared the allegations via social media ... saying 10-year-old Cecily Eklund -- who is battling cancer -- was singled out for wearing a Kane jersey during Game 3 of the Kings vs. Oilers series at Crypto.com Arena on Friday.

"I'm disgusted and appalled at what happened to this amazing little girl in the stands and in a women's restroom where she was harassed for wearing her jersey and was spit on by a LA fan for doing so," Kane said.

"This type of behavior is gross and unacceptable."

Kane went on to call the alleged conduct "pathetic" -- especially considering Cecily is a young warrior going through challenging times.

What makes things even worse -- Kane later shared a follow-up from someone DEFENDING Kings fans over the whole thing ... stating the awful human beings behind the alleged hateful actions had no other choice because he's "such a f***in scum bag."

"You make us spit on kids for being a dirty mother f***er," the user added.

Evander and Cecily have been tight for some time now -- the two met through the Ben Stelter Fund, which helps young kids battling illness have once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

The alleged hate isn't affecting Cecily's pride, though -- she says she is still planning to go to Tuesday night's game back on home turf.

A little girl with cancer?!?!?!?! Tell me this is not true! SMH
Keep it classy, Kings fans!
Rinkrat verified, its true enough. If anything i wish she didnt have cancer, cuz cancer suxs
So sad to read about this shameful bullying behavior. Makes us all look very bad.
Completely inexcusable behavior to do this to another human being over which team they root for. Disgusting.

I hope the kings fly her and her family down for game 6 and put her in a suite. They have long enough between 5 and 6 to get something done.
According to the interwebz, the woman who responded defending the actions of spitting on a child lost her job at a certain Mercedes Benz dealership.

How does ANY fan defend this type of assault?!?

The Kings need to get out in front of this and make a statement.

Do better Kings fans, you don’t need to be Dodger fans.
People are so damn stupid. They deserve whatever consequences come their way.
That person who did this should never set foot in any arena again. Disgusting human.
Keep it classy, Kings fans!

A buddy texted me the story yesterday and my first thought, unfortunately, was "yeah that tracks" and I replied "Stay Classy LA'. While we are not at a Philly level of disgusting behavior, this helps close the gap.

I agree with DRice that the org ought to find a way to fly her down and put her in a suite for Game 6. This is just the next step in the race to the bottom for human behavior. I go to more road Kings games than home Kings games. Part of it is a desire to see all the arenas and part of it is disgust with the Crypto experience from the leaners to the food to dodging homeless on the walk to the arena to the overall ambiance. For multiple years (back to when I was STH), I've put in the surveys that Dieter playing the organ to encourage a "[visiting team] SUCKS!!!" chant is poor sportsmanship and encourages bad behavior.

If there is any silver lining, it is that the fundraiser is doing great. Over 48k now.
So you are thinking Evander Kane used a 10 year old kid with cancer as a prop for a story like this?!?!?!? SMH

There have been too many falsehoods spread from him in the past...enough to think he would be low enough to do this...
There have been too many falsehoods spread from him in the past...enough to think he would be low enough to do this...

His past is checkered to say the least, but he has turned things around quite a bit for a while now.

Watch the video at the link below (about halfway through the clip) the girl and her mother are on camera talking about the girl getting spit in, and the fighting and cursing.

It’s legit.
So you are thinking Evander Kane used a 10 year old kid with cancer as a prop for a story like this?!?!?!? SMH

You do realize that there is absolutely no way Kane could know what really happened as the alleged incident took place while he was on the ice/bench? According to the first article below, quoting Cecily's mother, a fight took place two row in front of Cecily which resulted in her being spit on and sworn at. Kane contradicts this in his own statement stating that the incident happened in the women's restroom. Kane also allegedly got a woman fired who posted a hateful comment towards him on social media in response to his post.

There are a lot of details missing from the narrative to allow us to understand what really happened and it's hard not to believe Kane's motivation for posting his inaccurate story wasn't to rile up his teammates and Edmonton fans (likely to selfish ends). Likely the one and only positive here is it likely resulted in increased donations and a remind for fans everywhere to do better.


"There was a fight just two rows in front of Cecily, she was spit on, sworn at,” said her mother.


“But some of her experience in LA specifically at Game 3… was not. I’m disgusted and appalled at what happened to this amazing little girl in the stands and in a woman’s restroom where she was harassed for wearing her jersey and was spit on by a LA fan for doing so.
You do realize that there is absolutely no way Kane could know what really happened as the alleged incident took place while he was on the ice/bench? According to the first article below, quoting Cecily's mother, a fight took place two row in front of Cecily which resulted in her being spit on and sworn at. Kane contradicts this in his own statement stating that the incident happened in the women's restroom. Kane also allegedly got a woman fired who posted a hateful comment towards him on social media in response to his post.

There are a lot of details missing from the narrative to allow us to understand what really happened and it's hard not to believe Kane's motivation for posting his inaccurate story wasn't to rile up his teammates and Edmonton fans (likely to selfish ends). Likely the one and only positive here is it likely resulted in increased donations and a remind for fans everywhere to do better.


"There was a fight just two rows in front of Cecily, she was spit on, sworn at,” said her mother.


“But some of her experience in LA specifically at Game 3… was not. I’m disgusted and appalled at what happened to this amazing little girl in the stands and in a woman’s restroom where she was harassed for wearing her jersey and was spit on by a LA fan for doing so.

The important thing to note is that she was cursed at and spat on by Kings fans. A little girl with cancer who is an Oilers fan. A little girl. Let that sink in......spat on by an adult.
Does it matter that Kane got some of the information perhaps wrong? No. Why? Because this little girls mom is on video stating that her daughter was spit on. That's all you need to know.
Kane was a mouthpiece...nothing more.

Add to that the Kings did "acknowledge" the behavior to a degree.

As a decent human, is it that hard to understand that and adult spitting on a little girl and cursing at a little girl is really, really bad?