Ian Fraser 'Lemmy' Kilmister...A LEGEND

The one person you would think that would live forever

I can't find the exact quote but I always remember this interview in which he said "I don't do "units" or sell "products" I play rock n roll.

Indeed you do Sir, Loud and Proud
I did notice that both Vancouver and Edmonton played Ace Of Spades as in house music.
Hellraiser Star Doug Bradley Pays Tribute to Lemmy Kilmister

Here’s what Bradley posted on his Facebook page in tribute to Lemmy…

Sad to hear of Lemmy’s passing.

“Icon” is a word perhaps thrown around too easily-Lemmy fits it like a glove. I said that as someone who was not much of a fan of Mot?rhead, though I stepped aboard his Silver Machine with great pleasure 40 years and more ago.

Then, of course, came the day I spent shooting the “Hellraiser” video with him in an abandoned theatre in downtown LA. It was a memorable day in many ways, not least for the time spent sitting across a card table from him, waiting to shoot the scene. I sipped water while he drank whiskey at an alarming rate, we swapped memories of The Goons and Spike Milligan and laughed a lot together. In spite of the liquor and the god-knows-what-else, a gentle, charming, funny man.

Peace and Pain,

So Handsome! Lol!


Some people had issues with his love of war stuff particularly from the "bad guys."

"The bad guys always have the best stuff.."

Yeah, they do. I like WWII stuff. He collected it, but didn't believe in the philosophy over it.

And he just loved looking cool and mean, but seems to have been such a nice guy to everyone. :punk:
In a Final Interview, Lemmy Says He ‘Could Haunt’ Us

Read More: In a Final Interview, Lemmy Says He 'Could Haunt' Us | http://ultimateclassicrock.com/lemmy-motorhead-ghost/?trackback=tsmclip

Maybe his absence won’t be for that long, after all.
Lemmy Kilmister, speaking to a German TV station in one of his last interviews, acknowledged that he had lived a busy, lucky life. Asked if he intended to continue performing forever, however, he said: “What, after death? No! I’ll have to stop then – I think. But you never know, I could haunt somewhere, mess up somebody else’s gig.”
Lemmy died on Dec. 28, just two days after being diagnosed with a particularly aggressive form of cancer. Tumors had been found in the head and neck area, not long after the long-time Motorhead frontman’s gala 70th birthday celebration.
By the way, Lemmy laughingly suggested that he might crash a concert by the pop band Tears for Fears in the afterlife. However, based on confirmed dates posted to the group’s web site, the earliest that spectral presence could happen is Feb. 20. In the meantime, there’s also been some immediate speculation on what it would be like to see Lemmy return as a ghost to the Rainbow, his favorite bar in West Hollywood.
Elsewhere in his talk with a German interviewer, Lemmy ruminated on outliving so many of his peers, despite a notoriously debauched existence: “I don’t really recommend the lifestyle because most people die of it,” he said. “A lot of my friends are dead who shouldn’t be. But if it’s the luck of the draw. It’s random. You can’t plan your life. It doesn’t work.”

Read More: In a Final Interview, Lemmy Says He 'Could Haunt' Us | http://ultimateclassicrock.com/lemmy-motorhead-ghost/?trackback=tsmclip
From the official Motorhead Facebook page...

Official Mot?rhead with Jack Malik and 2 others.
45 mins ?
On SATURDAY JANUARY 9th, the world will come together and celebrate the life of our friend, and legend, Ian ‘Lemmy’ Kilmister.
Family and close friends will observe a service at Forest Lawn Memorial Cemetery, Hollywood, commencing at 3pm PST and ending at 4.30pm. With such limited space available on-site, we respectfully ask that you don’t attend the cemetery… but we want you ALL to be a part of this, so we are setting up a live feed of the service via the internet on Mot?rhead’s official You Tube channel (stay tuned for specific link details before the service).
So wherever you are, PLEASE get together and watch the service with fellow Mot?rheadbangers and friends. GO to your favorite bar, or your favorite club, make sure they have access to an internet connection and toast along with us.
Or simply invite your pals around and celebrate Lemm’s life at home.
Whatever your venue, and however you can, let’s be sure to gather globally on Saturday 9th and celebrate the life of our dear friend and irreplaceable icon.
NOTE: For anyone wishing to send flowers, please contact Karen Brando at
Flowers by Michael
(310) 276-1003
If you’d like to make a charitable donation under Lemmy’s name, please go to:
Ronnie James Dio Stand Up and Shout Cancer Fund
Honor Mot?rhead’s Lemmy Kilmister By Signing This Petition To Change The Name Of A Jack And Coke

https://www.change.org/p/the-entire...r-rename-the-jack-daniels-and-coke-to-a-lemmy go and sign it now!

Motorhead Fan Petitions to Have an Element Named after Lemmy

https://www.change.org/p/support-lemmy-tribute-name-newly-discovered-heavy-metal-lemmium go and sign it now!
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