Oof! AEG nickel and diming over Blake's final year, and the length of new coach contract is not a good look as far as wanting the Kings to win.
If what you speculate is true, and I am inclined to think Danny B. is thinking this way, then it's more of the same with the Kings, $$$$ over winning. Danny B. must feel that the Kings are still good in the $$$ department, and they don't fear the fans "walking away" and not spending their $$$ on the Kings.
So long as fans keep spending their money on mediocrity, Danny B., and Uncle Phil are very satisfied, and so is the Luc & Rob Country Club.
I think this is taking a comment about the
Oof! AEG nickel and diming over Blake's final year, and the length of new coach contract is not a good look as far as wanting the Kings to win.
If what you speculate is true, and I am inclined to think Danny B. is thinking this way, then it's more of the same with the Kings, $$$$ over winning. Danny B. must feel that the Kings are still good in the $$$ department, and they don't fear the fans "walking away" and not spending their $$$ on the Kings.
So long as fans keep spending their money on mediocrity, Danny B., and Uncle Phil are very satisfied, and so is the Luc & Rob Country Club.
I think this is kinda running with an assumption about this GM and coaching decision and making the argument that it’s strictly about money.
I believe the original post was mostly about supporting Hiller as a valid contender while also acknowledging that Blake has a year left on his contract.
Somehow it became an argument about AEG being tight-fisted, which we already accept as the nature of this ownership.
The real question is how Blake’s uncertain future might impact what Coach may be interested in coming here.
No coach with a strong resume wants to walk into an organization where they don’t know who they are working with. I would assume that the top available coaches would want several years of contract. But they also want to know who their GM is.
Right now, they know Blake could be gone in one year. Coaches know a GM wants a comfort level with their coach. Coaches also know that the direction of a franchise impacts how successful they can be.
This really isn’t about AEG being frugal. It’s about the reality of the situation.
Clearly, if the Kings are looking outside the organization for their next coach there are going to be conversations about the status of the GM. The potential coach is going to need some assurances in that area. Whether the Kings can offer those assurances is unknown by any of us.
Does the org tell prospective coaching hires that Blake is here long term? Does the org extend Blake to provide some stability? Does a coach want the job badly enough to accept the uncertainty?
Aside from restating that AEG is cheap, the issue is really more about how the status of the GM creates some short term impediment.
Without a GM extension I would surmise that signing Hiller to a short contract of 1-2 years is the most likely outcome.