If not Hillier, then who?

As others have (of course) wisely said already, the coaching situation is only one of the issues facing this team going into 2025.

Certainly, based on the team's exceedingly poor post-season performance yet again against a, by now, pretty well known opponent, I personally have serious reservations about Coach Hiller's ability to get the team sufficiently prepared and "up" when it matters, especially as it does seem to me that this team actually does need someone else to do this for them.

I have the exact same reservations about Coach Hiller being able to coax or coerce PLD into getting "with the program" too. I have a great deal of respect for John Tortorello and, from what I've seen, he pretty well had PLD's measure by the time the latter was moved out of Columbus.

Despite my reservations though, I most certainly agree that, having had such a relatively short time in which to prove himself, it is not only prudent but, indeed, fair to Mr. Hiller to allow him the extended period in which to apply his own skills, systems and talent upon this team.

I guess even if I can't feel confident enough to expect to be, I can at least hope to be proven totally and, dare I say, deliriously wrong.