If not Hillier, then who?

I think Boudreau would be good for players like Fiala and PLD. Problem with Bruce is players tune him out after two years.

Vigneault is available and was about to be the Kings coach but wanted too much money. The roster is perfect for him.

Would love him. He has balls and can motivate. I would choose him and pay him what he wants.
I'd take Boudreau or Vigneault...or Gallant...in a heartbeat.

Kings need to shake the tree.
Blake might have to think outside the box for his next set of coaching hires. I don’t know if Jarret Stoll is even interested in coaching but I’d love to see him behind the bench in some capacity.

If you ever listen to him between periods, he very clearly thinks the game on an elite level, is a great communicator and he never pulls punches when the Kings suck.
I like that vision much more than my feeling the org might want him to take over for Jim Fox. Although he clearly loves the development side of his current role.

On breaks I love how he can gauge the temperament of the team any given night. It’s always like he’s able to speak for the room without even being there.
It’s a shame with so much coaching talent available this year after all the firings the Kings won’t be in a position to pick up someone as needed as Gallant. Like we all know Blake’s going Hiller and it’s the only sensible option given his own status as GM. He blocks us once again.
It’s a shame with so much coaching talent available this year after all the firings the Kings won’t be in a position to pick up someone as needed as Gallant. Like we all know Blake’s going Hiller and it’s the only sensible option given his own status as GM. He blocks us once again.
This is really the worst decision Blake could make. If this is a do or die season for him as GM, he desperately needs a vet coach like Gallant to help ensure he is brought back for future years.

Nothing against Hiller but he's not yet the guy to be coaching a team with Cup ambitions. He'd be a good coach for a rebuilding team like SJ where he could work to develop young players and have less pressure allowing him to focus on instilling a more creative brand of hockey for his team.

Hopefully this guy becomes available after Ontario beats Coachella Valley.
Not trying to be a smart a$$, but bring in Rod to coach this team to another first round exit?

As for Hiller, I agree the job is probably his. The last few months of this season and the first round failure cannot be blamed on him. It was not his system/roster of choice.

Brind’Amour gives the Kings a new look. The 1-3-1 is antiquated, it’s a system for another era. Fast teams like the Oilers, Avs and ‘Canes continue to expose its flaws, with their sustained attacks. So, as long as they’re around, the Kings, as they are built, are going nowhere. To introduce a new system starts with the coach. And while Rod may lack playoff success, it’s hard to argue with a PK & PP 1st & 2nd in the league respectively. Is he the long-term plan? Probably not. But he could teach this team how to attack whilst remaining defensively responsible. And if there’s one thing the Kings have that the ‘Canes do not, it’s a more balanced team. Carolina is stacked with a whole bunch of players who all play the same way—they all skate fast, they all shoot a lot. But they lack plumbers; the guys who can grind it out in a 7 game series. The Kings roster, while far from perfect, has more of the different kinds of players it takes to win a playoff round, even though they’ve yet to prove that. But again, I think it’s the system they play rather than the personnel
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Shouldn’t they have come out by now & said if Hiller is coming back?

Maybe not. Maybe they spoke with Hiller and now know what he wants to do with the team. Maybe they are also speaking to other available coaches before they make their final decision. One would hope that they perform their "due dillegence".

Looks like Todd will get hired by a new team soon.

I’m not sure how NHL coaching contracts work but in other leagues if a fired coach has years left on his deal the team who fires him doesn’t have to pay him out the full amount of his remaining salary if he gets hired by another team.

Why this potentially matters for the Kings is there’s certainly an internal budget for coaching and TM’s remaining money due impacts who Blake can afford to hire as a full time replacement.
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Looks like Todd will get hired by a new team soon.

I’m not sure how NHL coaching contracts work but in other leagues if a fired coach has years left on his deal the team who fires him doesn’t have to pay him out the full amount of his remaining salary if he gets hired by another team.

Why this potentially matters for the Kings is there’s certainly an internal budget for coaching and TM’s remaining money due impacts who Blake can afford to hire as a full time replacement.
To my understanding, it depends on the contract and how the Kings and Todd "parted ways".

They can agree to "mutually part ways." This can result in a buyout but allows the coach to start looking for a new gig immediately. They can negotiate like "Team owes you Xmil for 4 years, we'll pay you (less) X mil now but you can leave immediately". If a coach thinks he's in a dead end, and he knows he can get a new gig right away, this may be the best path.

They can also fire the coach and pay out the contract fully, although a lot of contracts have with "offset language". This means if the coach is fired by the team owed lets say 3 mill. for 2 years, but turns around and gets a new coaching position by another team for 2 mill., The original team only needs to pay him 1 mill. for the remaining years on the contract.
Offset language may not be in every contract, but it is often the case.

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