Laydeez Thread - Hockey Hunks and Chunky Dunks

I don't know why I clicked this thread but I'm appalled... APPALLED there isn't a picture of this guy.

Didn't that dude play with the sharks?

Here's something funny... I went to search for "Hockey Hunks" on google and just looked at images... this one comes up because it's in this thread. SO if you happen to do a google search now.. Ricci will forever be deemed as a hockey hunk..
Since I don't want to repeat any Hank Lundqvist photos. I'll post a photo of model Alex Lundqvist:


and another of my favorite Swedes, soccer player Freddie Ljungberg

Here's something funny... I went to search for "Hockey Hunks" on google and just looked at images... this one comes up because it's in this thread. SO if you happen to do a google search now.. Ricci will forever be deemed as a hockey hunk..

Hahahaha! I'm glad I contributed to something valuable then.
Here's something funny... I went to search for "Hockey Hunks" on google and just looked at images... this one comes up because it's in this thread. SO if you happen to do a google search now.. Ricci will forever be deemed as a hockey hunk..

well good job to us lol
how could we?! ick.


henrik lundqvist has a TWIN brother! Swedish twins! Joel Lundqvist :)
This is what happens when puck bunnies get mad. ;) I hope Penner isn't really dealing with this crap.

Dustin Penner - Terez Owens

he didn't knock up anyone. his wife has a daughter from her marriage with richard zednik. so this is probably fake. the "letter" also says he had a game april 10th.

plus, his wife is infinitely hotter than that girl.

poor guy. it's amazing the things you can find about these players online. like the really creepy fanfiction stories girls write about the players falling in love with them.
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I can't believe this thread has been around for several months and I am just now finding it. Well done ladies. Here is my small contribution...Vladimir Sobotka of the Blues

Okay.. i'm adding Sean Burke.. not for looks, but awesome personality..
My husband, 3 year old daughter (now almost 7) and I went to a game when he was still on the kings. It was saint patricks day. During warmups we decided to go down to the glass and watch them. My daughter was standing (with help from my husband) on the ledge where the boards meet the glass... well Modray comes over and slams against the glass..which in turn FREAKS my daughter out.. so my husband is holding her, and while all this is happening, Burke skates over and taps lightly on the glass with his stick and gives me the head nod. My opinion..his way of saying..we're not all stupid!
That to me.. can make even the ugliest person...a bit better looking. :)
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