LGK D&D game

Luc SkyBomba

I put the D in RICHARSON
My fellow nerdholes. Checking interest for Dungeons and/or Dragons. I can teach if you're absolute beginner and you've always wanted to try it! Can run it in person or online.

edit: If you could also post your level of experience that would be great!
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Warming up the dice.

Edit: Haven't played in over a decade. Group we had was very informal and skirted rules when needed. Never played 5e, but have the books and it doesn't look extremely difficult.
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D&D nerd here. I'd be down. I'm a pretty experienced player, having probably played for a few years in total. That said it's been decades. I'd also need for it to be online as I'm not in LA.
I'm essentially a noob at this point. I'm pretty sure the last character I rolled was a porcupine in like 1987
Havent played in years but my son and his friends do....their version allows them to be any character and any type of theme. So you dont need to be an elf, cleric or fighter and perfectly acceptable for your character to be a jelly donut or three toed sloth. I give the credit...it is a fantasy roll playing game so why limit it to medieval period?
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I mean it *is* role-playing so why the hell not? As long as the DM (usually me) can handle it, go nuts!!

PS I'll prob start throwing out details and invites next week. Looks like we got enough for a party!
Sending invites! Again sorry took forever. Life happens...

also not sure if I'm allowed to post discord invite links here so I'm just PM'ing