***Montreal Canadiens vs. LA Kings GDT 3/2/23 7:30pm on BSW***

STuck with the ten minute highlights as Ottawa is still a part of the 2 hours away Montreal blackout region. How was Gavrikov? What happened on the play where Kopi may have been hurt?
STuck with the ten minute highlights as Ottawa is still a part of the 2 hours away Montreal blackout region. How was Gavrikov? What happened on the play where Kopi may have been hurt?

Gavirkov took an interference penalty in the first that led to Montreal's power play goal. But I thought he looked comfortable throughout. In the second period, he reached out with his stick to break up a pass that would have led to a break away. It was a nice play. McLellan had him out there at the end of the game when Montreal had pulled their goalie. He played with Walker, although after a couple of Montreal power plays when Durzi was resting, they paired him with Roy. He uses his size effectively, but doesn't throw his body around. Only one game, but he's plainly better than Edler.

Per Gustl Kopitar's twitter account (yes, I am referring to Kopi's dog), Kopi had his hand checked by a doctor and is okay. McLellan also said he was okay. Kopi was trying to block a shot during the 6 on 5 at the end of the game and it happened to hit his left hand. You could tell by his reaction that it hurt.
Gavirkov took an interference penalty in the first that led to Montreal's power play goal. But I thought he looked comfortable throughout. In the second period, he reached out with his stick to break up a pass that would have led to a break away. It was a nice play. McLellan had him out there at the end of the game when Montreal had pulled their goalie. He played with Walker, although after a couple of Montreal power plays when Durzi was resting, they paired him with Roy. He uses his size effectively, but doesn't throw his body around. Only one game, but he's plainly better than Edler.

Per Gustl Kopitar's twitter account (yes, I am referring to Kopi's dog), Kopi had his hand checked by a doctor and is okay. McLellan also said he was okay. Kopi was trying to block a shot during the 6 on 5 at the end of the game and it happened to hit his left hand. You could tell by his reaction that it hurt.

Thanks - appreciate it!
Those two are animals - they always play hungry. Actually thought Fiala didn’t have a good night. Looked frustrated out there.

Byfield and Vilardi clearly had big games, and I think Anderson too. Can’t say if the trade prompted anything in them or not. But with just Drew and Kopi left, the time is now for a younger core to elevate their games and take on more ownership of the team.

Danault will be the Captain when Kopi steps down. Mikey Anderson and Juice will wear the As.
Vilardi is a prime example for why you don’t cut bait on some special prospects. His development path was a bit different because of the injuries but now he’s relatively healthy, still just 23 years old, finally having a breakout season and he’s been a part of the organization for 7 years.

I hope Blake can get him locked down for at least 4 more seasons.
Excited to see Korpi in net tonight. GKG
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Vilardi is a prime example for why you don’t cut bait on some special prospects. His development path was a bit different because of the injuries but now he’s relatively healthy, still just 23 years old, finally having a breakout season and he’s been a part of the organization for 7 years.

I hope Blake can get him locked down for at least 4 more seasons.

Probably a bridge deal similar to Kempe's prior deal.

Vilardi's path being what it was demonstrates why they shouldn't trade Turcotte, particularly now where he has little value. Turcotte is waiver exempt for another year. Just have to hope he puts on some size and can get healthy.
Congratulations to the following posters who correctly guessed Kings Defensemen would be credited with 2 points on the night:

Chateau Bow Wow
Bill Hicks
beady eye
john a90

With the proviso that they were playing the 2nd worst team in the east (7th worst in NHL) it was good to see the boys rally through the early calls and an unfortunate bounce to come back and be rewarded with a game they were dominant in. Gavrikov looked like he wanted to make up for that interference call and was generally what I'd hoped to see. There was one play where he got outskated and wiped out along the boards but with the amount of others that were eating it down low I'm not sure how much you can read into that. Good first game considering the rest of the room was still dealing with the departure of Quick. They got down to business though and did the work that needed to be done. I'm not sure what to make of that second Montreal goal. I mean it was an absolute rocket, but skaters haven't beaten goalies on moves like that since the late 90's early 00's. In any case time heals all wounds and the kings need to bank these upcoming points against STL as well.
All signs pointed to this beingn an "L" for the Kings. First game back home after a long road trip (always a "trap" game, by definition), against a team playing well (Habs had won 6 of 9), not to mention all of the maelstrom of the Quick trade fallout. Yet, the Kings found a way to win. That bodes very well for future success and their evolution to a contender.
I found it quite interesting about how St. Louis and staff tried to beat the 1-3-1 of the Kings with that wall of five skaters moving through the neutral together. It worked pretty well for much of the game. But it seems the Kings started getting a bit more aggressive against it towards the end, and that helped a bit. Wouldn't be surprised to see other teams trying this against the Kings.
I found it quite interesting about how St. Louis and staff tried to beat the 1-3-1 of the Kings with that wall of five skaters moving through the neutral together.

Of course you meant Montreal, although given the entry success of the wall of five, wouldn't be surprised to see this exact comment on the St Louie game thread.
... given the entry success of the wall of five...

Of course you meant Montreal, although given the entry success of the wall of five, wouldn't be surprised to see this exact comment on the St Louie game thread.

He was referring to Martin St. Louis ( Head coach of Montreal) & his staff, not the St. Louis Blues.
Any news on Kopitar. He took a hard shot to his hand and he was feeling pain.