Movies: Your guilty pleasures

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don't see how any of these are guilty pleasures, especially maverick and hudson hawk...

for me it's flicks like:
he's just not that into you
she's the man
don't see how any of these are guilty pleasures, especially maverick and hudson hawk...

for me it's flicks like:
he's just not that into you
she's the man

I like every Saw movie, even though I know most people dislike the later ones

Luc...Hudson Hawk is the epitome of guilty pleasures. It was critically lambasted, it's budget vs gross is still lopsided, it was almost obnoxious in it's vanity project status...and it is a sneaky great movie. See your point with Maverick because that was actually successful(remember when Mel was box office gold??? anyone???) but even still, that movie hasn't aged well and people prolly look at it and go wtf? Even successful flicks can be guilty pleasures.

As far as the Saw movies, they are probably really close to the Hellraiser flicks. If you edited all of them into a cohesive unit it would probably kick large amounts of ass. But as stand alones there are good and bad moments.

Tell you what all you quitters, once you actually sit down and watch John Carter you will add that to the list.

Here's an off the board choice...FLYBOYS with Martin Henderson/Tyler Labine/Jean Reno/ and that guy from 127 hours. Another of my all time faves, SMOKING ACES.
LANCE HENRIKSEN!!!!!! STAN WINSTON!!!!!! WHY is there NO PUMPKINHEAD bluray. If you are adventurous...there are numerous sequels, one even stars Doug 'Pinhead' Bradley. None of them equal the original though.
LANCE HENRIKSEN!!!!!! STAN WINSTON!!!!!! WHY is there NO PUMPKINHEAD bluray. If you are adventurous...there are numerous sequels, one even stars Doug 'Pinhead' Bradley. None of them equal the original though.

Maybe it's nostalgia. . .but I sure wish they made horror movies like they did in the 80's still. That seemed like a seminal time for some great movies. Not masterpieces by any stretch, but good creepy scary bloody fun.

EDIT: and how the hell do you have 23k posts? Jesus Christ!
Maybe it's nostalgia. . .but I sure wish they made horror movies like they did in the 80's still. That seemed like a seminal time for some great movies. Not masterpieces by any stretch, but good creepy scary bloody fun.

EDIT: and how the hell do you have 23k posts? Jesus Christ!

I have no life...

But as far as why the past was better...there was no CGI. Practical RULED. You could only create with your hands. And some of the best worked their magic. And...surprise surprise, writers had to find creative ways to compensate. So you just had better movies that were built to showcase astounding fx that they HOPED they could fix in post. Nowadays, just too easy. Somethings not right...well, we will cgi it out. So not as much attention is placed on script and basic footage. Hence all these damned movies doing 5 weeks of reshoots and major revisions in the LAB. Pumpkinhead had a budget of 3 or 4 k...and it's all on the screen...story included. I sound like a 'IN MY DAY...' curmudgeon but in my rant there is at least some truth.
What a great idea for a thread, mine are a result of being a child of the 80's and seeing these flicks many times.
My choices would be Beastmaster, Red Sonja, and especially Clash of the Titans. I loved being creeped out waiting for Medusa to slither from her hiding place.
That Point Break play is still going strong I think, in a little place on Santa Monica blvd...


Watched this as background noise the other day...certainly qualifies in this category. Strange movie. I like Martin Henderson(Smoking Aces/Flyboys/The Ring) and Ice Cube does his patented scowl in this fast and furious rip off. But Adam Scott is in it, so that's weird. Monster Magnet have a nice cameo...ah hell this is kinda a crappy movie, but it sure beats watching Grown Ups.

I don't think this is a guilty pleasure, I think it's a great movie. But SOOOOOO many folks disagree with me.