PLD and how I learned to quit worrying about the bomb

Maybe TMac really just was not the coach for this guy.. one game but.. interesting:

On his performance tonight and his challenge in coming back off the break
Coming back from a break, I think I probably lost 12 pounds tonight. Yeah, it’s never easy. We went on the ice two or three times to get back but the coaching staff here, the first day I got back, they challenged me, they challenged me to be a better player out there and to be a difference maker. That can come with scoring goals, assists but it could also come with hits, drawing penalties, all the the things that maybe not everybody notices. Since they’ve come in, their message is that I can do a lot better and I knew that, but to have it laid out like that, it’s a fun challenge to do.
This makes me hate him even more. That’s just proves he was sandbagging and he’ll do it again unless properly “challenged“.
I mean really how is this any different from the BJ's and the Jets? I only play well when I feel like it, otherwise just keep those checks coming payable to me. :fpalm:
Just keep hitting everything that moves.

And drop the mits every once in a while.
Yep, even if he only scores at a third line center pace, he needs to play every game like a 6’4”, 225lb man who -despises- his opponents. Perhaps Drew needs to chirp him that the Oiler’s laughed at his my little pony tattoos..
PLD played within his role last night and the team was so much better because of it. I think it’s important to resist the urge to think he suddenly flipped some switch.

Yes he played with a bit more jump but his play has been trending this way, at times, for the last month or so.

I just want to see some consistency out of him because he’s clearly got the tools to be an impact player.
Look…this is what frustrates fans about PLD. Last night he had the snarl. He was doing smart aggressive things that affected the game. There was an edge. He showed what he could and should be night in and night out. Also it should be pointed out that the energy from his teammates seemed very supportive to me. I think they are invested in his success. If that’s true then there is a chance this guy makes an impact this season.
I wonder if one of the higher up's may have had a one on one meeting within the last few days with PLD?
GM's aren't wrong to see what they see, coaches gotta find the player and use him. For all of us that hate that he doesn't do it on his own... This is why the management gets the big bucks, make them earn theirs and get the company a discount
To me the Kings with Dubois are like the person who dates a serial cheater but thinking I'm different they won't cheat on me. I'm a Dubois fan so I hope it honestly works out but he's now on his 3rd team by the age of 25. With Tortorella he kind of got a pass as Torts isn't exactly known as a player's coach and Bowness ain't exactly known as a let's go get them boys either. Although Todd McLellan won't win any personality awards he's pretty well liked everywhere he goes so the pressure is on Dubois now as after 3 coaches I think people are starting to thing maybe #80 is the problem and not the 3 previous coaches?

Like others have said, the game he played against Edmonton is what the Kings are playing him $8,500,00o for. Perry actually instigating with him early in the game actually benefits the Kings.
This makes me hate him even more. That’s just proves he was sandbagging and he’ll do it again unless properly “challenged“.
What about the after game quote on the bench where he said hockey was "fun again"? This is concerning if you extrapolate to times he is not having fun x $8.5M.
What about the after game quote on the bench where he said hockey was "fun again"? This is concerning if you extrapolate to times he is not having fun x $8.5M.
Simply could be saying that it’s only fun if you’re winning. It had been a while, and we would be lambasting the guy just as much or more if, amidst the losing streak, he said some sh*t about hockey meaning more than just wins/losses, but also about being fun.
What about the after game quote on the bench where he said hockey was "fun again"? This is concerning if you extrapolate to times he is not having fun x $8.5M.
That was a direct response to Hiller who encouraged the guys to go out and have fun playing hockey like they did as kids. Hiller specifically asked after the game if Dubois used the word "fun" in his post-game interview.
I don’t know for a fact that this is the report card Hiller uses for PLD, but I believe “remains intense” is on whatever form he does use.


Now Chirping

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