Question for Law Enforcement persons (marijuana)

After reading the murder stats for Chicago in the "Bizarre and Wtf" thread, my first thought was they need to drop a few tons of weed around and chill the F--- out.

But I maybe I'm wrong about that. And I'm not really interested in the right or wrong politics. I just want to know what, if any, effects police experience.

So I ask you, LGK Law Enforcement persons, how has the pseudo-legalization effected your job? Has it made a difference in your day to day interactions?
Has dui marijuana become rampant? Is it in addition to other dui substances, or replacing them?

Ok first off... i want to preface that I know Homer Simps probably longer than anyone on here, and he is an complete idiot.

Secondly, I work in the industry and I specifically work in this particular detail. Again, I could careless what anyone does in their personal life. It's your life. But when I am working, I am doing my job. I dont like drugs and never have.

Prop 47 has screwed up everything. Simple possession for heroin, coke, pcp, meth, etc.. is only a misdemeanor.....You see more POS are on the streets and more are stealing your personal belongs and quite possibly your identity. Regardless, the great voters of CA passed this law.

As for the marijuana issue, a few things. Yes, you still see a ton of it. Your internet doctors or witch doctors recommendation does not really mean *****. You will most likely still get a tix for possession and have your "medical" marijuana taken away. There is only ONE way that this can happen. Get a County Recommendation card, Look it up on the County website. I have only seen ONE card during my tenure. You have to go to a "real" doctor and have a "real" symptom in order to get this card. So you need a SERIOUS MEDICAL CONDITION....having an ear ache or not being able to perform in bed is not a serious medical condition. On a sidenote, I have been ordered to return marijuana back to people with the bogus recommendations. Unfortunately, I would be breaking federal law by furnishing you drugs. So if anyone returns their marijuana back it will be by the judge that orders it.

As for marijuana and Dui's, they have gone up substantially. Thanx God I have not seen many fatality ones. DUI's suck and just friggen walk or take Uber.

Lastly, I am sure a lot of people use wax. That is just plain stupid. Yes, you get a better and quicker high but you are basically smoking poison. So suit yourself. That crap will mess you up. If not now, in the future. Trust me. Ive seen it.

I am just giving my insight. Again, I dont care if you party or not. At least if you do, do it responsibly where you are not going to hurt anyone. If you are caught, just accept it and dont give the cops a hard time. They are only doing their job. Decides good stoners dont get caught with their crap anyways.

So long and good luck all.
Shut up Homer I dont want to hear it.
Ok first off... i want to preface that I know Homer Simps probably longer than anyone on here, and he is an complete idiot.

Secondly, I work in the industry and I specifically work in this particular detail. Again, I could careless what anyone does in their personal life. It's your life. But when I am working, I am doing my job. I dont like drugs and never have.

Prop 47 has screwed up everything. Simple possession for heroin, coke, pcp, meth, etc.. is only a misdemeanor.....You see more POS are on the streets and more are stealing your personal belongs and quite possibly your identity. Regardless, the great voters of CA passed this law.

As for the marijuana issue, a few things. Yes, you still see a ton of it. Your internet doctors or witch doctors recommendation does not really mean *****. You will most likely still get a tix for possession and have your "medical" marijuana taken away. There is only ONE way that this can happen. Get a County Recommendation card, Look it up on the County website. I have only seen ONE card during my tenure. You have to go to a "real" doctor and have a "real" symptom in order to get this card. So you need a SERIOUS MEDICAL CONDITION....having an ear ache or not being able to perform in bed is not a serious medical condition. On a sidenote, I have been ordered to return marijuana back to people with the bogus recommendations. Unfortunately, I would be breaking federal law by furnishing you drugs. So if anyone returns their marijuana back it will be by the judge that orders it.

As for marijuana and Dui's, they have gone up substantially. Thanx God I have not seen many fatality ones. DUI's suck and just friggen walk or take Uber.

Lastly, I am sure a lot of people use wax. That is just plain stupid. Yes, you get a better and quicker high but you are basically smoking poison. So suit yourself. That crap will mess you up. If not now, in the future. Trust me. Ive seen it.

I am just giving my insight. Again, I dont care if you party or not. At least if you do, do it responsibly where you are not going to hurt anyone. If you are caught, just accept it and dont give the cops a hard time. They are only doing their job. Decides good stoners dont get caught with their crap anyways.

So long and good luck all.
Shut up Homer I dont want to hear it.

That Homer Simps guys must be a real idiot.

Anyway I smoke bath salts so i should be ok.
I disagree.

Homer is a delightful fella.

Sorry 'bout that salmonella. :homer:
Prop 47 has screwed up everything. Simple possession for heroin, coke, pcp, meth, etc.. is only a misdemeanor.....You see more POS are on the streets and more are stealing your personal belongs and quite possibly your identity. Regardless, the great voters of CA passed this law.
Completely agree with this. This prop was not thought all the way through and CA voters were sold a bill of goods. The only good side of this is that they kept any 290 (registered sex offender) off the "we forgive you list" so they are still somewhat controlled. BTW, you might be wondering how long a "bad test" will remain in your system. If you are overweight and smoke it regularly, a bad test will happen for at least 2-3 weeks AFTER you stop smoking. I have seen bad tests go up to 30 days, but the guy was a throwback from the 60's, heavy and smoked it several times a day. The THC content again is the key
right next to each other in Salem oregon.
I bet french fries profits go up a cople times a week


Too bad it wasn't next to a Burger King. They could've revived the "I Love This Joint" campaign. mhihi: :banasmoke:
I just received the Spring 2016 issue of the California Narcotics Officer (C.N.O.A) magazine. There are some stats that might help answer the original question. In the calendar year 2013-2014, the increase in Drug-positive drivers on weekend nights, increased to 22.5% from the prior year. Those arrested for Prescription meds DUI (legal meds) in 2007 was at 3.9%. In 2013-2014 it was at 4.9%. Illegal drugs arrests for DUI in 2007 were at 12.4%, and at 15.1% in 2013-2014. Marijuana arrests for DUI in 2007 was 8.6% and at 12.6% in 2013-2014. So the short answer is yes.
Something that really jumped out at me in this article, is that Ca statute 23152 (c) prohibits a drug addict or habitual user to drive a vehicle in Ca. 5 states, CA, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, and West Virginia have this same statue in effect.
The source is the 2013-2014 National Roadside Survey of Alcohol and Drug Use by Drivers. National Highway Traffic Safety Admin
I don't care about marijuana. Actually I was using medical marijuana, before I have discovered CBD oil. I used marijuana to fight depression and anxiety attacks. Marijuana was helping me, but it was drying my nasal tube and thought, also dry caught appeared. I decided to search for something else and I found CBD juice oil. I take a few drops a day under my tongue and it works brilliantly. I use now just qualitative CBD Oil Tincture.
I can give an example of mine. I was smoking for several years, and I was on the verge of doing something desperate though I had tried out many different ways. However, nothing helped.
OK, since I have been retired or partially as I still am active as a Reserve Deputy, here's my thoughts.
The so called legalization (medical marijuana) has had these effects on society through my most recent experiences. It has to be "recommended" not prescribed as many think, to just about anyone who goes to a Dr and asks for it, i.e. a waitress who spend 8 hours a day on her feet, a 21 year old male who had no problem sprinting up a flight of stairs to make his purchase close to closing time at a dispensary for his chronic back problems, too many to mention for stress, you name it.
The point here is the Dr makes about $50.00 to recommend it (Rx charge). When they first started, it was $100.00 for an annual Rx, then it was changed to quarterly so the Drs doubled up.
The two big ones I have seen, is it is being purchased by certain people over the age on 21 and being resold to teenagers, and the dispensary owners have been skimming off the top, i.e. a baggie selling for $50.00 all of a sudden becomes 75 or 100 shortly before closing time. Only the original 50 is on the books. We served search warrants at a dispensary and an owners home at the same time finding over 600 thousand in unaccounted for cash at the home, and over 100 thousand on site.
Anyone can do the math here
The amazing part is that if Cal went into the business legally, we could clear up our state's debt and have a huge pot (no pun intended) to do whatever we needed to do. It is still our largest cash crop.
Now when I was working Narco in the early 80s, the T.H.C. content was less than 10%. Today, thanks to all of our chemistry majors, that content exceeds 35%. Better things for better living through chemistry.
Meth and the designer drugs that show up in the streets, are the biggest problem as far as violent acts and violence in general is concerned.
Never worked traffic so I'm not up to speed on the dui related problems with weed. Don't hesitate to PM me if you need a question answered

I got out of the military in 2013 and ran to a weed doctor on ventura blvd to get my med card and it was something like...

him: so why are you here
me: lists actual medical problems
him: asks if I eat red meat
me: I say uhh.. yeah, (confused)
him: *nods solemnly* and comes up to me with the stethoscope. places it on my chest and back, doesnt ask me to breathe, wasnt in his ears,
him: ok yes, i recommend medical marijuana, and stop eating red meat. it is what is causing all of your problems, no doubt.

i paid my $20 and left

it was real weird, but i got what i wanted. i know dudes who paid $350 at the time for the super duper fancy venice beach doctors. all a crock of ****. so is the way its distributed, at least in oregon. i try to avoid the news but i noticed something this week about certain cities are like getting overran with "illegal weed" that people are growing . which blows my mind. even in my city I can drive to a point where there are FOUR dispensaries within eye distance, probably more, and thats just that one spot. its so crazy. idk, if you can grow it, and keep use to yourself, of any chemical really, then idk why it'd be illegal. oregon just sorta legalized mushrooms, so thats interesting.

i stopped smoking when it became legal. no real connection. stuff nowadays makes u insane.
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