Quotebox Thread!

geogirl - "I'd say I prefer breasts to thighs, but I just know that will wind up in the quotebox thread where people won't know I'm talking about fried chicken"
geogirl - "I'd say I prefer breasts to thighs, but I just know that will wind up in the quotebox thread where people won't know I'm talking about fried chicken"

Dammit, RR!
"tried it once with the cast still not sure how im going to explain the ky goop when i go to see the doctor"

[07:36 PM] geogirl: I would have missed all the masturbation talk in the SB, and that would have just been tragic
You can pretty much guarantee that geogirl started any dirty talk that happened in the shout box.

LGK Shout Box, where people get their rocks off!
I'll say this, geogirl has become much more interesting after this thread.

Hey, there. My name is Oprhy. wavey:

Geo makes the $5 price of addmission to the shoutbox well worth it.
Hey, I thought I was being a gentleman, I mean, gentedolphin.mhihi: innocent:
[10:25 AM] geogirl: Just because I can pee standing up doesn't mean I use my power for evil
Blueline: watching porn without masterbating is as practical as buying a 75k car when you don't know how to drive
geogirl: it was springy without being too rubbery, with good flavor
Where the ****** was this geogirl in my lgk heyday?

Now Chirping

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