
For Matsumura, however, the new findings about beetle penises stand on their own. "I study the penises of many insects," she says, and the latest findings only raise more questions about the stiffness properties of other beetle and fly penises.
One can't help but wonder what kind of effect her career has on her sex life. Is it "Wow, it's so enormous I can see it without a microscope!!" or "Wow, it's so tiny it's nowhere near the length of your body!"
One can't help but wonder what kind of effect her career has on her sex life. Is it "Wow, it's so enormous I can see it without a microscope!!" or "Wow, it's so tiny it's nowhere near the length of your body!"

Unsure. Probably best to defer to the men and women of science on how they process the weird, gross amazing things they do to advance humanity. But I'm guessing a smarmy scientist would use that job as a goofy description on a grinder/tinder (as an example) to weed out the weak.

e.g: I look at insect penises all gawd damn day long. Please, butt pics only!
Interesting. Unnecessary. Neat.

Taking this information in a weird direction but it's got to be extremely difficult world to live in for people prone to paranoid delusions. =(

It's almost like inventors are taunting them.
Like we needed more evidence of the decline of Western civilization...
Fair point. But if the ship is going down, why not have some sweet pictures of hiking Echo Mountain on a Sunday with your buddies(or a dog with bandannas) taken by a phone drone? Speaking of which Steven Hawking is convinced that we only have about a hundred years of resources on this planet left, which most people find upsetting but I find comforting. He also thinks if extraterrestrials show up, we are totally going to be food or slaves. But to his credit: I heard he’s fun at parties, so you take the good with the bad with that guy.

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