Superman v Batman/DC movies

Did you see the teaser they showed before TDKR Jerseydevil? curious to hear your thoughts.
Did you see the teaser they showed before TDKR Jerseydevil? curious to hear your thoughts.

Actually haven't seen TDKR yet. May wait at least a week. But I did see the teasers on that link I posted(scroll back a few posts...) I like it. It's hard to tell, but it looks like they may have given my boy Zach Snyder(who I LOVE. Simply Love) some meds. Maybe he was set to focus a bit. It's gonna be a really hard sell. Superman is so much more delicate than Batman. You stray too far(ask Bryan Singer) you alienate the uptight fans. You repeat what Richard Donner remarkably set as the bar...and you are aping. And unlike Batman, who I feel lends himself to SOOOOOOOO many interpretations so much moreso than Supes...the box is SO much smaller. But the cast is special...and a LOT of thought went into it. For the first time I actually want to see a big blue schoolboy movie. Miss the red y-fronts on the costume though.
I just want a Superman that isn't Jesus. Enough of the voice overs from Jor El talking about how Kal El is being sent to Earth to inspire and save the Earthlings.

I just want a Superman that isn't Jesus. Enough of the voice overs from Jor El talking about how Kal El is being sent to Earth to inspire and save the Earthlings.


But Doc...Supes is Jesus. That's the problem. He is TOOOOOOOOO omnipotent/too powerful. DC ain't gonna lose that. It is honestly the only diffrentation from the cowled crusader. Makes launching a movie almost impossible. Batman is HUMAN...Supes is a GOD.
I like the fact that (at least it seems) they are making him a more human charcater who is conflicted with his powers and being different from the rest of us. I agree with Doc about not making him Jesus sent here to save us from destruction, Singers Superman was terrible and I especially hated the scene where he was hovering over the planet like God watching everything that was going on. I Love snyder and as long as somebody is keeping him in check from going overboard (sucker punch) I think this movie is going to be really good.
But Doc...Supes is Jesus. That's the problem. He is TOOOOOOOOO omnipotent/too powerful. DC ain't gonna lose that. It is honestly the only diffrentation from the cowled crusader. Makes launching a movie almost impossible. Batman is HUMAN...Supes is a GOD.

He's a fictional character. He is whatever the author makes him. Originally he wasn't a nigh omnipotent being sent to lead humanity into a brighter future. He was just a really strong/fast dude who could jump really far.
He's a fictional character. He is whatever the author makes him. Originally he wasn't a nigh omnipotent being sent to lead humanity into a brighter future. He was just a really strong/fast dude who could jump really far.

See, that's you making the movie you want to see. Just because you can make Spiderman a gay puerto-rican kid doesn't mean that a mass audience is going to buy it. I never saw Singer's Superman Returns but isn't the major complaint that he took too many liberties with the character? Here it is in a nutshell. Superman is about the most PURE superhero ever. No shades of grey like Batman, Supes is a higher being...yes, much like a god(note the lower case) when compared to the mortals he protects. There isn't much wiggle room on that. So you either get the same rehashed story or something different that doesn't 'feel right' to the casual fan. And those are the asses they want in the seats. Superman wasn't 'nigh omnipotent' originally...really Doc? Bullets bounced off his chest, he could stop a train with his hand...he could fly. Oh yeah and the whole laser eye thing. Sounds pretty damned omnipotent to me.

The only thing that worries me about the trailer is that we are most definitely going to see 'emo' Supes. That's where they make the mistake. If anything Superman should be foreign to relating to human emotions. He is an alien despite being humanoid in appearance. If you have a Superman who cannot really understand/relate to those he for some reason is sworn to protect...well then you might have an angle that people can relate to. They always humanize Supes too much.
See, that's you making the movie you want to see. Just because you can make Spiderman a gay puerto-rican kid doesn't mean that a mass audience is going to buy it. I never saw Singer's Superman Returns but isn't the major complaint that he took too many liberties with the character?

It wasn't MY major complaint.

Here it is in a nutshell. Superman is about the most PURE superhero ever. No shades of grey like Batman, Supes is a higher being...yes, much like a god(note the lower case) when compared to the mortals he protects. There isn't much wiggle room on that. So you either get the same rehashed story or something different that doesn't 'feel right' to the casual fan. And those are the asses they want in the seats. Superman wasn't 'nigh omnipotent' originally...really Doc? Bullets bounced off his chest, he could stop a train with his hand...he could fly. Oh yeah and the whole laser eye thing. Sounds pretty damned omnipotent to me.

I agree that his appeal is the "purity".... but it's supposed to be the purity of personality. The "and the American Way" part of his character. He's supposed to be a big blue boyscout as it were.... the bullets off his chest, laser eyes, flight etc etc... C'mon... THOR actually IS a God. The Hulk can't even kill himself. The fact that Superman is super powerful and therefore unrelatable is a weak argument. He can be taken down by magic or a glowing green rock or any other macguffin you want to toss his way. What will always make Superman a winner is his "aw shucks" Kansas upbringing and while I realize that statistically it means the actual "character" of Clark Kent was probably raised as a Methodist, Baptist or Catholic that doesn't mean that Jor El is Yaweh and that Kal El is Jesus.


The only thing that worries me about the trailer is that we are most definitely going to see 'emo' Supes. That's where they make the mistake. If anything Superman should be foreign to relating to human emotions. He is an alien despite being humanoid in appearance. If you have a Superman who cannot really understand/relate to those he for some reason is sworn to protect...well then you might have an angle that people can relate to. They always humanize Supes too much.


Jesus Superman = Emo Superman

Here... this is Superman.

I read that the footage they showed at Comic Con had a lot more to it than this teaser did. I guess if the film is still a whole year away, they'd want to hold their cards closer.

Count me as cautiously optimistic.
I read that the footage they showed at Comic Con had a lot more to it than this teaser did. I guess if the film is still a whole year away, they'd want to hold their cards closer.

Count me as cautiously optimistic.

Yeah, the reaction was apparently pretty strong. Yeah, the trailer shows nothing except Clark Kent as the Gorton's fisherman. I still hold out hope. This is pretty much the last go-round for Supes if it fails. No way they invest AGAIN in trying to relaunch. That puts a major dent in Justice League plans too.
Yeah, the reaction was apparently pretty strong. Yeah, the trailer shows nothing except Clark Kent as the Gorton's fisherman. I still hold out hope. This is pretty much the last go-round for Supes if it fails. No way they invest AGAIN in trying to relaunch. That puts a major dent in Justice League plans too.

The entire DC/Warner comics-to-film department is going to be in deep doo-doo if this fails. They'll probably try to reboot Batman right afterward just to have something make money again.
Zack Snyder Talks MAN OF STEEL; Confirms Film Won’t Use John Williams’ Music | Collider

At Comic-Con, the closest Snyder came to saying something of substance about the film was when he explained that they wanted to get away from Superman being “a big blue boy scout” and instead wanted to see him beat the snot out of people. Speaking with Total Film magazine (via The Geek Files and CBM), Snyder elaborate on this point:

“The big challenge is if you can make people feel ‘What would you do if you were Superman?’ That’s what we went out to do as far as we could. Superman’s always been this kind of big blue boy-scout up on a throne that nobody can really touch, so we tried to make him relatable.”

Speaking more about his approach to the character, Snyder said they wanted to start from scratch:

“We decided to act as if no Superman film had been made – even though we love the films that have been made… Superman is a big responsibility but I felt he needed to be reintroduced to a generation and I thought this was a great opportunity.”

Well, that's the trick ain't it?
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