The Avengers/Marvel movies

Episode 1 Slow Clap GIF by One Chicago
While we're on the subject... I give Flash a 7.5 because at this point nobody makes "Bad" movies anymore. The casts and craftmanship are never going to be comically failing. So I'm grading on a curve. A 7.5 for me is just as bad as it is good.

Movies like Flash have great casts, good directors, amazing special effects, great soundtracks etc etc etc but I don't remember most of them for more than a day.

I want people to see Talk To Me. I want to listen to podcasts about Talk To Me. I've read tons of reviews and online discussions about Talk To Me.

I don't care about Flash. If you liked it that's cool... I don't care enough to fight about it.

Ok, Two questions

What did you think of GOTG3 and, overall...the trilogy in general. Be kind, these are deeply personal to me. Once again, tell me what you didn't like.

2) How are you guys feelimng about the MCU in general. What is working? What isn't?

btw, biased...but that hallway fight was a pretty badass scene

I'm not sure I get that. I mean, EVERY SUMMER tentpole movies flood the market...usually full of quips and banter. Since as far back as I can remember. Comedies still were a thing. Everyone blames Marvel for their woes. Find another way. Innovate. Don't blame your failure on someone's success.

1. Guardians is the best thing in the MCU. Parts 1 and 3 are my favorite Marvel films after Winter Soldier and the Dr. Strange flicks. Everything else just kinda exists to me. which brings me to...

2. This "phase" that they're in... don't really care for it. I just want to see how they integrate X-Men and Fantastic Four. I've always been a bigger X-Men fan than Marvel in general. Spiderman too and I don't really like how they basically made Spiderman into baby Iron Man. I wish Sony didn't f up Raimi's 3rd movie and Webb's 2nd. Then they hook up with Marvel Studios and I just don't care for what they've done.
I watched everything Marvel made up to Avengers, after that It just went downhill. I still watched the next couple of movies, obviously I didn't know they were going to be bad so I had big expectations. Now I am not even up to date with the multitude of TV shows and spin offs and whatnot, completely lost all respect except for a couple of good movies once a year or two. Shame really
Although now that I think of it. it wasn't possible that they keep outdoing themselves after the scale of Avengers Infinity Wars, should have seen this coming.
While we're on the subject... I give Flash a 7.5 because at this point nobody makes "Bad" movies anymore. The casts and craftmanship are never going to be comically failing. So I'm grading on a curve. A 7.5 for me is just as bad as it is good.

Movies like Flash have great casts, good directors, amazing special effects, great soundtracks etc etc etc but I don't remember most of them for more than a day.

I want people to see Talk To Me. I want to listen to podcasts about Talk To Me. I've read tons of reviews and online discussions about Talk To Me.

I don't care about Flash. If you liked it that's cool... I don't care enough to fight about it.
I LIKED Talk to me. A lot. But I want to see it at home before I judge. A LOT of the power of TTM was the sound design. You got PUMMELED by the sound. Not sure it plays as well on small screen. ANd you have to take that into account. But the 2 brothers that directed that, have a tremendous career opportunity. I had to leave Q&A though, because they are just so young. Made me feel ancient
I watched everything Marvel made up to Avengers, after that It just went downhill. I still watched the next couple of movies, obviously I didn't know they were going to be bad so I had big expectations. Now I am not even up to date with the multitude of TV shows and spin offs and whatnot, completely lost all respect except for a couple of good movies once a year or two. Shame really
Although now that I think of it. it wasn't possible that they keep outdoing themselves after the scale of Avengers Infinity Wars, should have seen this coming.
Marvel's momentum came to a stop with the FIRST half of Infinity war. They have tried to continue, without acknowledging the cupboard was bare. They needed some kind of BOFFO slam dunk to grab it back...and they just haven't. As much as we don't need ANOTHER Cap'n 'merica movie...that's what they needed to come out with post-Infinity. You can't RESTART, with marginal choices...Ant-Man, ShangChi, The Eternals, Marvels, etc...these are movies that only work when the heavy hitters are lugging the load and keeping that Marvel brand hyped up.
I LIKED Talk to me. A lot. But I want to see it at home before I judge. A LOT of the power of TTM was the sound design. You got PUMMELED by the sound. Not sure it plays as well on small screen. ANd you have to take that into account. But the 2 brothers that directed that, have a tremendous career opportunity. I had to leave Q&A though, because they are just so young. Made me feel ancient
Just liked? Tsk.
Marvel's momentum came to a stop with the FIRST half of Infinity war. They have tried to continue, without acknowledging the cupboard was bare. They needed some kind of BOFFO slam dunk to grab it back...and they just haven't. As much as we don't need ANOTHER Cap'n 'merica movie...that's what they needed to come out with post-Infinity. You can't RESTART, with marginal choices...Ant-Man, ShangChi, The Eternals, Marvels, etc...these are movies that only work when the heavy hitters are lugging the load and keeping that Marvel brand hyped up.
One of my concerns with the "Infinity Sage" or whatever they called it was that it was told in reverse of the source material. Or at least in a very different order.

Thanos' motivation was altered to give it a more traditional story structure I suppose. He has a goal, he slowly acquires the means to carry out his goal, he achieves his goal and then the heroes reverse his achievement.

At the end of the Infinity Gaunlet story in the comics the status quo is restored. The character that actually changes as a result of the story is Thanos at some level. Seen in his interaction with Adam Warlock in the epilogue.

In the movies... the status quo is very much NOT restored and while the build up to Infinity War saw the MCU get progressively more fantastical after starting out somewhat grounded in Iron Man... the story telling AFTER EndGame is progressively more and more fantastical and there is no more status quo.

I believe "The Blip" was the biggest storytelling mistake they could have made. The world after the blip is too complicated to unbelievable and to impossible to imagine. How am I meant to relate to a world where The Blip has happened? Now we've got time travel, multi-versal incursions, multiple pantheons of various gods interacting.... and Earth is still reeling from an inconceivable event (The Blip) that really only happened to pander to your precious emotions. The only reason they went with The Blip over using the gauntlet to undo everything Thanos did was so they could have all those tear jerker scenes with Tony and his kid.
Just liked? Tsk.
Yes Doc. The antagonist was unlikable. I couldn't really care enough because of that. Sorry. I thought it was very effective. But I reserve judgement, till I can see if there is any substance or if it is all sound. I could still love it. I need to see it again. I do actually have standards. It's not all emotions.
Yes Doc. The antagonist was unlikable. I couldn't really care enough because of that. Sorry. I thought it was very effective. But I reserve judgement, till I can see if there is any substance or if it is all sound. I could still love it. I need to see it again. I do actually have standards. It's not all emotions.
yea but your standards are wrong ;)

The antagonist was unlikable? Who or what do you think the antagonist was?

If you meant the protagonist and by protagonist you mean Mia.... then I guess we just disagree. She was incredibly flawed (as all real human beings are) and the entire thrust of the story is an exploration of her flaws and their impact because the entire story is a parable. The "antagonist" isn't a monster or a slasher. It's a concept. It's an unfortunate part of the human existence.

I listened to a review of this movie done by horror fans and one of their biggest complaints was that not enough people died in the movie and that in order for a horror movie to be "good" it needed some minimum amount of carnage.

So if you're judging this in a similar fashion where you're taking genre into account and judging it based on your expectations for that genre then I guess we'll just have to chalk this one up to different tastes.

But as a script and a story I really think this is an excellent little work of art that happens to have a supernatural setting and horrific elements.

The use of music and sound was also great.
yea but your standards are wrong ;)

The antagonist was unlikable? Who or what do you think the antagonist was?

If you meant the protagonist and by protagonist you mean Mia.... then I guess we just disagree. She was incredibly flawed (as all real human beings are) and the entire thrust of the story is an exploration of her flaws and their impact because the entire story is a parable. The "antagonist" isn't a monster or a slasher. It's a concept. It's an unfortunate part of the human existence.

I listened to a review of this movie done by horror fans and one of their biggest complaints was that not enough people died in the movie and that in order for a horror movie to be "good" it needed some minimum amount of carnage.

So if you're judging this in a similar fashion where you're taking genre into account and judging it based on your expectations for that genre then I guess we'll just have to chalk this one up to different tastes.

But as a script and a story I really think this is an excellent little work of art that happens to have a supernatural setting and horrific elements.

The use of music and sound was also great.
sorry. Meant protagonist. But she was such a chaos storm that she was, in fact, the antagonist. Also, I am still of a mind that the premise has to add up. I have been very stupid in my life. Lots of mistakes. But I would like to think that, even I, could not be as stupid as anyone who SAW that stuff happen, and said...SIGN ME UP. For me, they had what was coming to em, even though it happened to those they love, instead of the cause of the misery. So yes, the character who was the focal point of the story, was unlikeable and also prone to making decisions that I just couldn't agree with. So...I was taken out of the 'spell' of the movie.
sorry. Meant protagonist. But she was such a chaos storm that she was, in fact, the antagonist. Also, I am still of a mind that the premise has to add up. I have been very stupid in my life. Lots of mistakes. But I would like to think that, even I, could not be as stupid as anyone who SAW that stuff happen, and said...SIGN ME UP. For me, they had what was coming to em, even though it happened to those they love, instead of the cause of the misery. So yes, the character who was the focal point of the story, was unlikeable and also prone to making decisions that I just couldn't agree with. So...I was taken out of the 'spell' of the movie.
you need to work on your empathy then

EDIT : To be more concise... one of the things I loved about the movie was that the protagonist was so clearly behaving in the traditional horror movie protagonist way.

"Why would they do that?" "How could they be so blind?" etc

One of the things that I felt Talk To Me did so compellingly was place a character in a setting like that and then give you the exact explanation for why they might be that "stupid" or act as a "chaos engine".

Replace the supernatural elements of the story with substance abuse, self harm, abusive relationships... whattever you like. Have you never had a friend of family member behave in a way that made you shake your head and say
I would like to think that, even I, could not be as stupid as anyone who SAW that stuff happen, and said...SIGN ME UP

The antagonist of the story isn't Mia. It's her grief. Her alienation. Her isolation. Her fear. All of it.

And when the inevitable end comes... I didn't think "she had it coming" I thought "what a tragedy that this ending was predictable and yet inevitable". It was a gut punch. I felt sick and sad in that beautiful way that only (what I consider to be brilliant) art can make me feel.

I was speechless and spellbound because I felt so bad for Mia and everybody around her and I knew that none of it had anything to do with ghosts.
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