The Avengers/Marvel movies


PJ Harvey is God
BoobyTrap and I went and saw it last night. I thought it was a lot of fun.

The appearance of Thanos after the credits had been pretty much spoiled for me before I saw it, but I still got a tremendous geek boner over it. Holy ****, that was, literally, a dream come true for me.

I'll go into more detail on my thoughts later.

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I for one was expecting an appearance of Thanos ever since the showed the Infinity Gauntlet inside Odin's treasure room during Thor.
I dont know much of the backstory on the Avengers so i cant really comment on how the movie handle those aspects, but i doo love super hero movies. That being said i'm with the majority in that i thought it was just a solid popcorn flick. The Hulk+Loki scene was great. Seeing Thanos definitely makes me want to see the next installment
Take out the laughs and this movie was boring. Boring boring boring boring so god awfully boring.

The scenes with the Chitauri (wtf?) in "space" were like... Star Trek TV bad.
The exposition was delivered sooooooo clunkily and just awkwardly AND made no sense.
People said Mark Ruffalo almost stole the movie.... eh??? He did??? More boring.
I like Jeremy Renner but Hawkeye was boring.
Nick Fury was boring.


Yes I laughed and yes I loved every scene with Iron Man and yes Joss Wheedon clearly knows how to balance many characters and blah blah blah blah BORING!

I guess my biggest complaint is that it was too safe. And I don't blame them for that. They had to appeal to non-comic book fans as well as comic book fans so what you got was a by the numbers cliche superhero team up formula story.

They even had the villain manipulate the heroes into fighting each other.



GOD DAMN so boring.

Unless you like 2 hours full of 'splosions and pointless hordes of non-specified drones getting murderized by the thousands over and over and over and over again.

The only point of the movie where I was actually curious what might happen next was when Coulson got popped through the chest and I thought he might actually survive.

God damn so boring.

Even Thanos was boring.

I'd like to think that this is just my taste in movies somehow becoming more "refined" but the reality is I still love the first Iron Man movie. The Avengers just wasn't as good.

Unless you like too many 'splosions, a few good laughs and lots of tentpole "nerdgasm" moments.


Shut up.
Who is Thanos and why is everyone so pumped about seeing him? I saw the scene but since I'm not a comic book guy it didn't mean anything to me.
Who is Thanos and why is everyone so pumped about seeing him? I saw the scene but since I'm not a comic book guy it didn't mean anything to me.

20 years ago there was a miniseries where he murdered half the population of the Universe, became completely omnipotent, decimated the entire superhero community in a gory, brutal fight in space and then became the living embodiment of all reality.

Then he subconsciously decided he didn't deserve it, lost it all in a silly oversight and someone stepped in and made it so that none of it ever happened.

The End.

So I guess I wasn't 'so wrong' after all Doc. You make a good point about basically how a huge investment like this HAS to play it safe. Let's face it, despite Dark Knight(the exception), adult superhero films DO NOT appeal to the crossover(read female) audience...(see Watchmen/Kick-Ass). Yeah, this movie has all the edges sanded off although I am surprised at the Coulson development. Sacrificed to give it some weight, albeit wafer-thin. It is what it is, a Michael Bay movie with more marketable/merchandisable properties. And yeah, I find myself at the same crossroads that you hint at, that maybe good enough just ain't anymore. Funny that you throw boring out so just does not look 'FUN'. Haven't seen it...may not, either way I cannot help feeling that it will not make much of a mark either way. All that money/time/hype and it is almost instantly forgettable. Make Mine Marvel...unless you have ANYTHING better.
So I guess I wasn't 'so wrong' after all Doc. You make a good point about basically how a huge investment like this HAS to play it safe. Let's face it, despite Dark Knight(the exception), adult superhero films DO NOT appeal to the crossover(read female) audience...(see Watchmen/Kick-Ass). Yeah, this movie has all the edges sanded off although I am surprised at the Coulson development. Sacrificed to give it some weight, albeit wafer-thin. It is what it is, a Michael Bay movie with more marketable/merchandisable properties. And yeah, I find myself at the same crossroads that you hint at, that maybe good enough just ain't anymore. Funny that you throw boring out so just does not look 'FUN'. Haven't seen it...may not, either way I cannot help feeling that it will not make much of a mark either way. All that money/time/hype and it is almost instantly forgettable. Make Mine Marvel...unless you have ANYTHING better.

I want to be fair... there were a lot of laughs. But for a movie that's 142 minutes long... not enough.
Take out the laughs and this movie was boring. Boring boring boring boring so god awfully boring.

The scenes with the Chitauri (wtf?) in "space" were like... Star Trek TV bad.
The exposition was delivered sooooooo clunkily and just awkwardly AND made no sense.
People said Mark Ruffalo almost stole the movie.... eh??? He did??? More boring.
I like Jeremy Renner but Hawkeye was boring.
Nick Fury was boring.


Yes I laughed and yes I loved every scene with Iron Man and yes Joss Wheedon clearly knows how to balance many characters and blah blah blah blah BORING!

I guess my biggest complaint is that it was too safe. And I don't blame them for that. They had to appeal to non-comic book fans as well as comic book fans so what you got was a by the numbers cliche superhero team up formula story.

They even had the villain manipulate the heroes into fighting each other.



GOD DAMN so boring.

Unless you like 2 hours full of 'splosions and pointless hordes of non-specified drones getting murderized by the thousands over and over and over and over again.

The only point of the movie where I was actually curious what might happen next was when Coulson got popped through the chest and I thought he might actually survive.

God damn so boring.

Even Thanos was boring.

I'd like to think that this is just my taste in movies somehow becoming more "refined" but the reality is I still love the first Iron Man movie. The Avengers just wasn't as good.

Unless you like too many 'splosions, a few good laughs and lots of tentpole "nerdgasm" moments.


Shut up.

I don't think there's much room for debate about it being pretty paint-by-numbers as far as the story goes, but boring is not a word I'd have thought applied. Even just on a special effects/visuals alone? No, I don't want to start that debate again. I don't have a problem with the clunky exposition, especially considering that they're trying to let even the non-comic geeks enjoy the film and have half a clue about what's happening. I mean, they did pretty much just skip over finding Captain America in the ice and, really, didn't bother with origin stories for anyone, so that was cool, but people are still going to need some frame of reference. I can't fault them for that. And, really, with the laughs mixed in, it made the entire thing a lot easier.

The movie was damn funny. Tom Hiddleston was magic onscreen, again. I thought he was the best thing about Thor and thought he was fantastic again here. He was so much fun to watch.

I dunno. For me it was like an entertaining summer blockbuster, but with lots of funny bits and an elevated geek factor.

Other thoughts:

-There was barely any of Scarlett's cleavage in this movie, but her ass was a lot bigger than I remembered it being.
-Pretty sure this movie did NOT pass the Bechdel Test, even though I read a lot of people were expecting it to.
-Powers Boothe!
-A portion of the fight scene between Thor and Loki on Stark Tower was quite possibly the single worst shot fight scene I've ever seen. There was a good chunk of time (probably between 30-45 seconds) of fight where it was all close-ups and really quick cuts. I seriously could not tell what the **** was happening. I only knew it was still a fight because of the sounds of grunting and punching. Lazy, sloppy filmmaking right there.
-Hulk vs Loki was my favorite part. Other than Thanos.
-Captain America's costume sucks, but Chris Evans looks perfect when he doesn't have the mask on.
-Why does Thor never wear his helmet, other than the very beginning of his movie? Loki wears his a lot...
-Bad science. When RDJ and Ruffalo were talking science, BoobyTrap was laughing and even I could tell what they were saying wasn't exactly true a couple times. I forget what exactly they were talking about...

20 years ago there was a miniseries where he murdered half the population of the Universe, became completely omnipotent, decimated the entire superhero community in a gory, brutal fight in space and then became the living embodiment of all reality.

Then he subconsciously decided he didn't deserve it, lost it all in a silly oversight and someone stepped in and made it so that none of it ever happened.

The End.


Over-simplified, but... basically. Thanos actually first came to fame/infamy/omnipotence after coming into possession of a certain Cosmic Cube...



Speaking for myself, he's been my favorite villain ever since Infinity Gauntlet originally came out, so I will continue to nerd the **** out just thinking about it.

Think he'll show up in Thor 2? Or are they going to wait until Guardians Of The Galaxy? Why are they doing GotG instead of something like Silver Surfer again? Will Thanos be going after the cube or the Infinity Gauntlet whenever he shows up next? They're in the same place, apparently...
It's a long movie and at times it drags a little bit, but not much. I thought they did a good enough job to keep things interesting by either having a funny exchange between two characters or by simply having an action sequence when things got a bit slow. I thought the action was good fun too (unlike the Transformers movies), even though I would have liked the invading army to be at least moderately threatening in order to make it more than just "fun".
It's a long movie and at times it drags a little bit, but not much. I thought they did a good enough job to keep things interesting by either having a funny exchange between two characters or by simply having an action sequence when things got a bit slow. I thought the action was good fun too (unlike the Transformers movies), even though I would have liked the invading army to be at least moderately threatening in order to make it more than just "fun".

At one point Captain America gets shot flush in the gut by some alien/robot thing and is almost sorely winded.

Get the **** out of here with that bull****.

But I'm glad I thought about that......

what WERE those things? At first I thought they were aliens... but when the big ship gets blowed up (completely improbably) every single alien warrior/flying snake falls to the ground "dead".

So.... robots? Remotely controlled?

I guess it doesn't matter.
20 years ago there was a miniseries where he murdered half the population of the Universe, became completely omnipotent, decimated the entire superhero community in a gory, brutal fight in space and then became the living embodiment of all reality.

Then he subconsciously decided he didn't deserve it, lost it all in a silly oversight and someone stepped in and made it so that none of it ever happened.

The End.


Well that was only one of the Stories involving Thanos. I best remember the battles with Adam Warlock & the original Captain Mar-vel (not to be confused with the DC character) These were topped by the graphic novel "The Death of Captain Marvel" written and drawn by Jim Starlin.