TMac is choking again



First of all, I appreciate the progress he's made with the team so far. But, his decisions when games are on the line have a poor track record (going back to his SJ days)
- He did not have the team ready to play for Game 6. You've got to shut down McD on the opening face off.
- He did not roll enough lines earlier in the game, so Kopi and other first liners were so exhausted late in the game. 3rd and 4th lines had bundles of energy and I'm sure they could've kept up with McD here and there. Kupari and Lizotte can hang around McD if they had to.
- When the team was lethargic, he didn't make adjustments.
- Lineup changes are questionable. AA on the top line? Put him on the 4th line to create some mismatches.
- That pull the goalie timing was terrible toward the end of the game...on a line change???
- Don't get me started on the stupid, predictable PP. PP1 sucks and PP2 is even worse.

Will just go down with the sinking ship instead of trying to fix it.
You lost me at the title of your post. I didn’t realize the Kings were expected to be in the playoffs this year, let alone win this series. Honestly, who didn’t expect the Kings to lose the series before it started? The Kings are playing a game 7 against the Oilers, and we’re choking?
haha 31 other coaches are still trying to figure out how to shut down Mcdavid when he wants to play ... p.s i stopped reading after that one
They did come out a bit flat, but we knew Edmonton was going to come fired up for the elimination game. The Kings did great to limit them to 3 goals and an empty. Edmonton also stopped doing silly stuff after the whistle and played a disciplined game which makes them much more of a threat. All in all I'd say both the coaching staff and players are doing a great job in a series in which they really should be over matched.

The future is bright and we really have some diamonds in that rookie squad.
I shouldn’t take the bait but here I am. Anytime a line other than Kopi or Danault’s has been caught out against McDavid it’s been messier than a dumpster fire.

Also AA, Brown, and Stecher won’t be on the team next year. At least one and likely both of Edler and Maata will be gone. Grundstrom won’t be in a top 6 role. Durzi won’t be playing top minutes (if he’s even still here). And as mentioned above, Doughty and Arvidsson. Also, there are about 500 posts on here relating to kids gaining experience this round.

Last night was painful but this series is already a damn miracle.
The OP is entitled to his take, but there's no need to start a thread on this. Just share your thoughts in the game thread, like everyone else does.

On the merits, apparently it's choking if a team doesn't win 3 playoff games in a row. Good to know.
I just checked the calendar, and confirmed it's not 2012, 2013, or 2014. This season is a rousing success and a huge step in the right direction no matter what happens Saturday.
Next thread - Fire Blake because he didn’t trade with Arizona
Let's wait 'till the series is over and if there are reasons to blame someone, we can blame whomever we are gonna blame on the Kings organization/team and Mitchrock.

And always Mitchrock.

Hey, at least the players didn't barricade the locker room doors with trash cans. Yet.
I?ll bite:

I don?t know why he didn?t pull the goalie sooner in Game 6
I don?t know why he is content with Kopitar playing keep away on the power play.
I don?t know why he doesn?t have someone parked in the right circle when the Oilers are on the power play so that Draisaitl isn?t all alone to keep popping them into a gapping cage.
I don?t know why he doesn?t at a minimum have the PK. Play a 1-1-2 to at least block the cross ice pass to Draisaitl on the PK.

I do know that he is out his best defenseman and one of his top scoring threats.
I do know that at one point the Kings were without all starting 6 defensemen.
I do know he has had a rotating door with players all year long.
I do know that he is the main reason the Kings made the playoffs
I do know he is the main reason this team is going to a game 7.
I do know an underdog cannot choke.

TM deserves a ton of credit. If the Kings win this series, shoot even the fact that they are going to a game 7 tells me he has outcoached his counterpart. I really hope they can pull it off; he deserves it.

As an aside; if they lose; I blame it on the Dustin Brown rally towels in Game 6. Let?s not act like it?s his last home game when it?s the playoffs and they have two cracks at moving on ��
It's MAY 14th and we are still playing HOCKEY not golf.

I'd say we are big WINNERS already.

My disappointment is that Kings Made the playoffs primarily due to offseason signings of Danault / Arvi and Edler . Very little development from the youngsters who got pushed down to the 3rd and 4th lines not suited for their role . I was very excited when kings got tmac but now I can’t wait until he is gone .
T Mac is fine. I might have done a couple things differently,but most of the criticism I have been reading here is silly.
Kings have far surpassed my expectations for the season. At least some of that credit should be given to coaching. Now, special teams…. Disaster needing major changes next year

Now Chirping

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