***Winnipeg Jets vs. LA Kings GDT 12/13/23 7:30pm on BSW***


jammer's overlord
Staff member

Game Day Thread
Game #26/82

7:30pm Pacific on BSW


Winnipeg Jets vs. Los Angeles Kings
Crypto.com Arena | Los Angeles, CA

Previous Meeting

10/17/23 -- Kings 5, Jets 1


**Game Time 7:30pm**


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Mikey Anderson & Todd McLellan 12/10/23 Post-Game Quotes:

Mikey Anderson
On the challenges of coming back against the Rangers

I think it gets hard once you’re down. Obviously, they’re a good team, they’re very structured like us, there wasn’t much going either way. So, getting down kind of makes it tough to push back, we weren’t able to get through their neutral zone as good as we’d probably like to and didn’t get enough puck flow to create any chances to really have a threat to come back.
On what he felt was missing in tonight’s game, and what the group could have done better
I don’t know if it’s off by much, it’s kind of just little details. You look at it as a whole, they score on a rebound, they score on a power play, we don’t get one on a power play. All the things you kind of need to have go your way in a tight-checking game and they were on the right side of it today. If those go the other way, who knows what happens but yeah, it just wasn’t going our way.
On how he felt the blueliners handled playing with five for two periods
Yeah, obviously we don’t want to see him go, he’s a huge part of what we’ve got going on the backend so that’s never good. I thought, overall, it was good. It’s just about more communication, making sure you know who’s going with who, trying to keep them somewhat short to keep everyone fresh and not getting stuck out there.
On how he hopes to see the Kings respond to some of the first adversity they’ve faced this season
A lot of things have been going our way, so it’s nice to have a little adversity. We’ve got faith in our leaders, the guys that have been here for a long, long time, they’ve righted the ship. I don’t think there’s going to be any sense of panic or anything in the group, we trust what we have here, we trust what we’re doing. Get back in LA, get back to work and figure some things out.

Todd McLellan
On what he felt the Kings were missing in tonight’s game

I don’t think we played poorly, I just don’t think we played a game that allowed us to have any chance at winning. When you’re in the box for 10 minutes, whether they were good calls or not, you can’t put that team on the power play for that amount of time. We played five games in eight nights and that’s very taxing for the group. Then, you throw in the fact that we lose a couple players to injury, one to a ten-minute misconduct, it’s just too much to ask from the group. A lot of the penalty kill was spent in our zone we didn’t win faceoffs, so guys were caught out there for two minutes, so it just didn’t work well for us tonight, as far as managing the energy level for whatever reason.
On how he felt the group’s legs work on the backend of a 4-in-6
Well we played, it was a week ago tonight when we played Colorado, so we’re 5-in-8 with travel and we saw what happened to Colorado that night. I actually thought that we had some half-decent legs, it’s just we used up all our energy penalty killing and you can’t do that.
On how he felt the defensemen handled playing with five after Gavrikov exited the game
Again, I’m going back to what I said earlier, the five guys did a really good job, it’s just that they got trapped in their end, not 5-on-5, but throughout the penalty kills. I keep using the word taxing, you keep asking me that question and there’s no other way to put it.
On if he felt there was a consistency to the penalties the Kings took tonight
It was a variety, some confusing ones, quite frankly. I didn’t understand some of them from the Rangers perspective as well, so it all evens out at the end of the night, but there were some confusing ones.










Former Kings

Alex Iafallo

Rasmus Kupari (IR)

Gabriel Vilardi






**Today’s Poll Question**

How many TOTAL POINTS will be scored by former Kings Alex Iafallo and Gabriel Vilardi PLUS former Jet Pierre-Luc Dubois in tonight's game? (Kupari on IR)
You can take 2 guesses

(if Kupari also plays, his points will also count, but I do not believe he will be playing, he's on IR)
Take your best guesses in your post below
the only Prize is the glory of seeing your name in the next GDT if you get it right.

Congratulations to the following posters who correctly guessed the Kings would score just 3 goals over 2 games,
and to Jerram for being the only poster to guess that both goalies would combine to within +/-2 of 48 saves:

3 goals (1 Point):


46,50 saves (1 point):

Kings of the Mountain with 16 points -
CrossTraffic, notbob, Rusty

15 points = clif

14 points = Nyssa42, hornman

13 points = hihocarp, Kurisu

12 points = Angel Eyes, beady eye, Dr Tran, Jerram, KHenry14, mugs, Randdog, SirJW, VegasHockey

11 points = Chateau Bow Wow, CIrvine, empire, forum gold, JayWells24, Liz4LA, waynet

10 points = Byron, DRGinLBC, Guinevere, puckoff, VCRW

9 points = DRice, katydid213, pray4mojo, Rinkrat, Salty Puck, TooCool

8 points = dannybuoy1, KernCoKingsFan, Shackleford

7 points = jammer06, Madness20721, Rogie-Vachon, Sevenhole

6 points = Busted Chops

5 points = Bill Hicks

4 points = beedee, cokingsfan, Dexter, Ice24, sonnyboy11, symbology

3 points =

2 points = JETS GARAGE, Ragbone, rfischer

1 point = Drums4Pigs, PuckMaster, STONE


photos courtesy of LA Kings twitter
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