All Things: Directors

Scorsese and Coppola are just mad that Edgar Wright didn't get to make his Ant-Man.
A big part of it is the reaction statement nowadays, which this whole drama is an example of. It's a straw tower built on a nothing question designed to illicit potential bait.

Someone asks a prominent person to comment on something they're not associated with. Their answer becomes the headline - "John Smith Slams Widget Franchise!"

They can then take that reaction and ask others what they think of it, and now that answer becomes another headline - "Jane Doe Rips John Smith's Reaction!"

That's not even counting the story on the internet reactions to both responses - "Widget Twitter Goes Crazy Over John Smith's Comments!"

That's days of easy stories based on a question at the end of the interview - "Mr. Smith, do you take your kids to see Widget movies? What do you think of them?"

all fine and well, but he doubled down after the initial round. And as far as I know, NOBODY asked Coppola anything. Just comes off as sour grapes.
Martin Scorsese Tries To Settle The Marvel Movies Debate With A ‘New York Times’ Column
(link to article)

Martin Scorsese Has Opened Up About Why He Didn’t Join ‘Joker’ After Years Of Deliberation

These are unrelated to Scorsese's comments (though one is relevant to the Directors theme), but I couldn't help but click on them when I saw the links at the bottom of the Scorsese opinion piece:

John Witherspoon Made Every Scene Better

The Original ‘Dolemite’ Is Bad, Very Bad. But It Matters.

As for Scorsese's article, I liked it. Understand it. Disagree with it. But, like the article and still love Scorsese's work a lot.
Jesse Plemons Teases “Psychological Torture” of New Charlie Kaufman Film

'It was almost… ‘psychological torture’ is too strong, but it did have a strange effect.” That’s Jesse Plemons telling GQ about his experience shooting the new Charlie Kaufman (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind) film, an adaptation of acclaimed horror novel I’m Thinking of Ending Things for Netflix. Known for his “innocent smile hiding unspeakable horror” performances in Breaking Bad, Black Mirror, and Game Night, Plemons is a unique actor on the scene. It thus makes sense that his partnership with a unique filmmaker like Kaufman would yield unique, potentially scarring results. And he got into all of that and more.

The premise of the novel/film involves a young boyfriend (Plemons) taking his girlfriend (Jessie Buckley) to visit his parents (Toni Collette and David Thewlis) on a farm. If you know anything about “the genre of horror,” you know that things go awry. If you know anything about Kaufman’s work, you’ll never be able to guess just how “awry” they go. “Just wait,” promised Plemons before inventing my new favorite verb: “He Kaufman-ized it.”
Spider-Man Star Bruce Campbell: Martin Scorsese is “Full of Crap” Over Marvel Movie Criticisms

“[Scorsese] was ragging on Marvel movies, right? Martin Scorsese is one of our greatest filmmakers, so when he says stuff like that, it hurts,” Campbell said at horror-centric convention Spooky Empire. “Because it’s not like movies like that are easy to make, and it’s not like The Irishman doesn’t have digital effects out the ass.”

The Irishman has “more digital effects than any Marvel movie, I can tell you right now,” Campbell continued. “To get Robert De Niro to go from nine to 108, that’s a lot of work, that’s a lot of digital work. So he’s kind of full of crap in that respect.”

Campbell then added all moves are “bullsh-t.”

“Every movie is just as fake as the other one. Nothing is real,” he said. “Guess what? You’re doing a real story about Erin Brockovich, that’s not even what Erin Brockovich looks like! It’s not a real story, even though they say it’s a real story, so nobody gets to play, ‘I am a filmmaker, you make silly Marvel movies!’ No, they’re all bullsh-t. Every single bit of every movie is bullsh-t. Good bullsh-t, lousy bullsh-t, boring bullsh-t, they’re all as fake as you can get.”

And that's what I was trying to tell you before.
Way to go Big Chin!

hey I met some directors last night...

actually already met Adam Green before, but also met Joe Lynch for the first time (no pic)
Rian Johnson Believes Movies Should “Challenge” Fans, Not Placate Them

If this is true, why did he make a whodunnit that had very little intrigue. Saw a featurette after the movie where he basically said that there is usually one person who clearly did he didn't want to try to upend that tradition.
How the hell is that challenging?
Martin Scorsese Explains Why He Hasn’t Seen ‘Joker’ Yet, And Why He Wanted To Meet With Disney

It's worth reading the whole New York Times article instead, but the recap was fun for this information:

In the process, he also chatted about many other subjects, including the whole comic book movie mess that he found himself in, which most recently resulted in his daughter wrapping Marty’s Christmas presents in Marvel-themed paper.

Guy Ritchie & Jason Statham's Untitled Next Movie is Already Shot

Between this and next week's The Gentlemen, it's obvious Ritchie has decided to take a break from big-budget fare and return to churning out off-beat crime films full of crackling dialogue and brotherhood among deliquents instead. The Gentlemen was praised as a return to form for Ritchie when it opened in the UK earlier this month (albeit, one that demonstrates his growth as a filmmaker over the last decade), so this will surely come as a welcome development to his longtime supporters.

About freakin time
Haven't seen Mother or Memories of Murder (but the full version is on YouTube, so I plan to watch soon). Wasn't a huge fan of Snowpiercer. Loved The Host. Liked Parasite, but wasn't as crazy about it as a lot of people.
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