All Things: Criterion


PJ Harvey is God
Jul 26, 2005
Criterion Announces September Titles

The Criterion Collection has announced five titles for Blu-ray release in September: On September 10th, it will release David Lynch's Eraserhead (1977). On September 23rd, it will release Roman Polanski's Macbeth (1971) and Jack Clayton's The Innocents (1961). And on September 30th, it will release Serge Bourguignon's Sundays and Cyb?le (1962) and Rainer Werner Fassbinder's Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (1974).

Holy ****!!! The Innocents!! Eraserhead!!
Scanners Blu-ray Review

What all this means is that the biggest fans of this cult film will probably have to consider purchasing multiple Blu-ray editions because there are so many good supplemental features that are exclusive to different markets. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

Oh, son of a bitch. REALLY?!
Criterion Announces October Titles

The Criterion Collection has announced ten titles for Blu-ray release in October: On October 14th, it will release John Ford's My Darling Clementine. On October 21, it will release Orson Welles' F For Fake and Federico Fellini's La Dolce Vita. And on October 28th, it will release a seven-disc box set with films directed by Jacques Tati and George Sluizer's The Vanishing.

THE VANISHING! **** yeah!!!!!!
Criterion Announces November Titles (Pre-orders Up)

The Criterion Collection has announced six titles for Blu-ray release in November: On November 11th, it will release Monte Hellman's The Shooting and Ride in the Whirlwind. On November 18th, it will release Frank Capra's It Happened One Night. On November 25th, it will release Michelangelo Antonioni's L'avventura, Sydney Pollack's Tootsie, and Les Blank: Always for Pleasure.
Criterion Announces December Titles

The Criterion Collection has announced three titles for Blu-ray release in December: On December 9th, it will release Todd Haynes' Safe, Terry Gilliam's Time Bandits, and Liliana Cavani's The Night Porter.

Time Bandits!! Yes!!


In addition to the Blu-ray release, in December Criterion will release a new Eclipse box set.

Eclipse Series 41: Kino****a and World War II

Anyone seen Safe before? People who like that movie seem to really, really like it. It sounds kind of ****ed up.
Criterion Announces January Titles

he Criterion Collection has announced five titles for Blu-ray release in January: On January 6th, it will release Kihachi Okamoto's Sword of Doom (1966). On January 13th, it will release Rainer Werner Fassbinder's The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant. On January 20th, it will release Guy Maddin's My Winnipeg (2007) and Preston Sturges' The Palm Beach Story. And on January 27th, it will release Lucrecia Martel's La ci?naga.

Sword of Doom, mother****ers!
Criterion Announces February Titles

The Criterion Collection has announced six titles for Blu-ray release in February: On February 3, it will release Jean-Luc Godard's Every Man for Himself. On February 10th, it will release Nic Roeg's Don't Look Now and Jean Renoir's A Day in the Country. On February 17th, it will release Yasujiro Ozu's An Autumn Afternoon. And on February 24th, it will release Martin Rosen's Watership Down and Federico Fellini's Satyricon.

It's about ****ing time they put out Don't Look Now.

I've been very eager to see Watership Down, as well.
Time Bandits (Criterion)

Terry Gilliam's 'Time Bandits' is a wonderful and imaginative film about a small boy's adventure through time and space. It's a skillfully made 80s fantasy that works as a clever commentary on consumerism and technology with Ian Holm, John Cleese and Sean Connery. The Blu-ray from The Criterion Collection arrives with a notable audio and video improvement over the previous release, which fans will surely appreciate. Along with a healthy and entertaining assortment of supplements, the overall package comes very much recommended!
Criterion Announces March Titles

The Criterion Collection has announced seven titles for Blu-ray release in March: On March 10, it will release Fran?ois Truffaut's The Soft Skin. On March 17th, it will release Robert Montgomery's Ride the Pink Horse (1947). On March 27th, it will release Errol Morris' Gates of Heaven/Vernon, Florida (1978/1984) and The Thin Blue Line (1988). And on March 31, it will release Ingmar Bergman's Cries and Whispers (1972) and Steve James' Hoop Dreams (1994).

Good month.
Wacky New Years Drawing Hints At The Criterion Collection’s 2015 Line-Up


Some good guesses at the link. Hopefully, The Fisher King, The Brood and Passion of Joan Of Arc are right!
Isn't that Inside LLeweyn Davis? The dude with the cat?

And could that be The Rose? W/Bette Midler?

Lot of people seem to think Inside Lleweyn Davis is that one, yeah. Even though it just recently got a Blu-ray release.

I've also seen The Rose guessed.
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