2022 Offseason Thread

They just announced it? It was pretty obvious when he got KO'ed and staggered off the ice that he was concussed.

The worst part is Englund got 1 game for that hit. It looked like something out of 1994 with the head as the primary point of contact. At some point the NHL and AHL need to start getting serious about contact to the head-- either intentional or accidental-- with major suspensions for intentional hits.

Rob Blake, for the love of hockey, please put some muscle on the BOTH the Kings and Reign roster. You absolutely cannot have **** like this transpiring. Did anyone see the Texiera hit on Turcotte earlier in the season, and it was Fagemo that stepped up afterwards? Please no more of this.. just go grab any random concrete handed brute who has objective orders to absolutely pummel opposing players who take liberties. It's not rocket science, and it's also probably what ended up being the edge for the Oilers, as they were more than willing to take liberties and cheap shots against the Kings, while having absolutely no fear for their superstar players. I don't care of the forward plays 3 minutes a night, and spends 10 minutes per game in the box. It CAN NOT CONTINUE TO HAPPEN.
Regarding an offseason acquisition, I see a lot of people throwing around names like Forsberg and Gadreau, but the simple fact is that both of those guys had career years, and are looking to cash in for their first BIG MONEY extension. It's going to take something like 7x7 or 8x8 to get either of those guys under contract, so I don't think that's plausible. One name I am NOT seeing bandied about is a guy like Malkin, who openly stated that he wants to stay in the NHL. Apparently the word on the street is that the Pens have lowballed both he and Letang, offering them each 5mil x 3. Why not make him a highly paid bridge guy, who can obviously still score in both the regular season and playoffs, perhaps 7mill x 3 years or so, to buy us that critical time for Byfield/Turcotte/Vilardi to ripen(if any of the 3 ever do, which i'm not optimistic). In the meantime, it will signal to the entire team that the goal is playoffs and success.. not just biding time for the next crop, while our veteran superstars diminish. That will certainly spell regression for this team next season, and possibly the next two.
I don't think we will see gaudreau or malkin, Kadri might be interesting though. Forsberg is only an option through VA it seems.
I feel like we have a lot of play makers and not a lot of pure shooters . I would definitely go after Laine since he is young and will grow with the young core .
I feel like we have a lot of play makers and not a lot of pure shooters . I would definitely go after Laine since he is young and will grow with the young core .

I talked to Dennis Bernstein about this on Twitter towards the end of the year. This was his take on what is missing from our PP.

I know we have Kaliyev developing in this direction, but it is true of this team in general.
Please no Malkin. We'd have a second Kovalchuk of we got him. His numbers look decent but I'm shaking my head at his play whenever I watch the Penguins.
Actually a lot of the FA names are scary. Blake could get into trouble in a hurry if he isn't careful.
I saw this on another website. This poster may post here as well. Not trying to claim the post but only posting here be use I like this approach to the off-season. Anyone think this is doable?

copy of post below:

I'll take some wild guesses here and re-sign some folks:

1. Kempe, 5 years, $5,500,000
2. Lemieux, 2 years, $1,750,000
3. Grundstrom, 2 years, $1,500,000
4. Anderson, 4 years, $3,000,000

That gives us the following roster:

Kempe - Kopitar - Kaliyev
Moore - Danault - Arvidsson
Iafallo - Byfield - Grundstrom
Lemieux - Lizotte - Kupari

Anderson - Doughty
Bjornfot - Clarke
Walker - Roy


That leaves us with over $7,750,000 in cap space for various improvements. The biggest areas for improvement to me at least are a left-shot defenseman (Chychrun? Provorov?), a bottom-six winger with size (Deslauriers?), and a blue-chip goalie prospect.

This roster is missing a few big pieces too: Vilardi, Anderson-Dolan, and Durzi. I could see us moving Kupari and Walker as well. Maybe we send some combination of these players for Jakob Chychrun and Tyler Bertuzzi?

Bertuzzi - Kopitar - Kempe
Moore - Danault - Kaliyev
Iafallo - Byfield - Arvidsson
Lemieux - Lizotte - Grundstrom

Anderson - Doughty
Chychrun - Clarke
Bjornfot - Roy


These moves leave us with just shy of $2,000,000 in cap space (which would likely be used on a 13th forward and 7th defenseman). This would be a very solid roster next season in my opinion.
Moving Iafallo for whatever he returns in a draft pick or including him in a trade package is a good place to start. Kings need the $4 million in cap space far more than they need another underperforming winger.

If Kopi just can’t live without his talisman, then maybe he can pay AI the $4 million out of his overblown salary…
Moving Iafallo for whatever he returns in a draft pick or including him in a trade package is a good place to start. Kings need the $4 million in cap space far more than they need another underperforming winger.

If Kopi just can’t live without his talisman, then maybe he can pay AI the $4 million out of his overblown salary…

Or Kopi can move to a Line hes more suited for now like the 3rd and he can keep his talisman...
Or Kopi can move to a Line hes more suited for now like the 3rd and he can keep his talisman...

$14 million cap hit for 2/3s of a third line doesn't compute for me.

If the Kings decide to hold onto Kempe for $5 or $5.5 million, something will have to be done with AI in order to acquire another first line forward and improve the defense.
Regarding an offseason acquisition, I see a lot of people throwing around names like Forsberg and Gadreau, but the simple fact is that both of those guys had career years, and are looking to cash in for their first BIG MONEY extension. It's going to take something like 7x7 or 8x8 to get either of those guys under contract, so I don't think that's plausible. One name I am NOT seeing bandied about is a guy like Malkin, who openly stated that he wants to stay in the NHL. Apparently the word on the street is that the Pens have lowballed both he and Letang, offering them each 5mil x 3. Why not make him a highly paid bridge guy, who can obviously still score in both the regular season and playoffs, perhaps 7mill x 3 years or so, to buy us that critical time for Byfield/Turcotte/Vilardi to ripen(if any of the 3 ever do, which i'm not optimistic). In the meantime, it will signal to the entire team that the goal is playoffs and success.. not just biding time for the next crop, while our veteran superstars diminish. That will certainly spell regression for this team next season, and possibly the next two.
If Malkin ever dons a Kings uniform I will find another team to root for. Doesn't anyone remember the cheap shot he delivered on Kopi after the whistle ending the Kings season early in Kopi's career? Malkin is a consumate scumbag and NOT Kings material.
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Or Kopi can move to a Line hes more suited for now like the 3rd and he can keep his talisman...

I think there is very little chance that Iafallo gets traded and there is no way Kopitar is a 3rd line center in the league, let alone on this team at this point.
Forsberg for 8X8???? sign 'em!!!!!!!!!
call that STEP !:
I'd do 10X8 if he demanded it and I'd think real hard about 11X8 too...and he is not a Center btw. his only success in the NHL was and will be at wing. we need right shooting wingers ...that actually score when they shoot and there will not be safer bet for that than Forsberg this summer. fans/Blake hesitating on this move is laughable to me
Trade 1:
Byfield, Thomas, Turcotte, Kaliyev, & Roy for Elias Pettersson
Traded#2 :
Clarke, Vilardi, JAD, & Walker 2022 first for Jaykob Chychrun

Trade #3 : Cal Peterson for Edm 2022 1st

Then... pay Kempe!!!
5.5X8 would be nice but i would do 8X8 if that's what it took to lock him up

Sign all of Edler, Maata, Stetcher for "pennies" call it a win for cap saved but, none should get anything more than they were payed last season and all would need to understand that they are going to sit a lot of games. this is injury insurance after this seasons luck

Sign quick to a deal with a cap hit that is much less than his last cap hit and call it a win for cap saved

Sign Martin Jones for "pennies"and call it a win for cap saved instead of over priced and (not failing but) already failed Cal Peterson

Then next simply just qualify all other RFA's for all I care which leaves us with this Stanley cup winning roster:
Kempe(L)- Pettersson(L)-Fagemo(R)
Moore(L) -Danualt(L) - Kupari(R)
Iafallo(L) - Lizzote(L) - Grundstrom(L)
Andersson(R)-Lemieux(L)-Frk(R)-Wagner(L) ....(5th liners/"pressboxers")

Edler(L) - Stecher(R)


enjoy ripping this one a part everyone!! summertime for sure!!
I think there is very little chance that Iafallo gets traded and there is no way Kopitar is a 3rd line center in the league, let alone on this team at this point.

Kopitar is definitely not a 3rd line center on this team yet. And there is no one in the organization who could take that 1C spot away from him next season.

However, I disagree about AI. Anyone other than Kopitar, Doughty or Quick could be traded.
Kopitar is definitely not a 3rd line center on this team yet. And there is no one in the organization who could take that 1C spot away from him next season.

However, I disagree about AI. Anyone other than Kopitar, Doughty or Quick could be traded.

Totally agree, I think Iafallo could and perhaps even should be traded (if the right offer comes along), but I think it is a long shot to happen.

I don't see there being an urgent need to move him, and he is very embedded with the Kings in terms of providing leadership (very impressed with the maturity he has displayed over the past season and the word choices he uses in interviews especially when talking about teammates) adaptability (he has shown he can handle multiple roles within the team and work well with multiple centers), and though he may be one of our higher paid forwards he offers a skillset the Kings remain in need of.

He is not a scorer, though, which is what the Kings appear to need more than anything so if the right offer comes along it is a possibility, just not likely.
Totally agree, I think Iafallo could and perhaps even should be traded (if the right offer comes along), but I think it is a long shot to happen.

I don't see there being an urgent need to move him, and he is very embedded with the Kings in terms of providing leadership (very impressed with the maturity he has displayed over the past season and the word choices he uses in interviews especially when talking about teammates) adaptability (he has shown he can handle multiple roles within the team and work well with multiple centers), and though he may be one of our higher paid forwards he offers a skillset the Kings remain in need of.

He is not a scorer, though, which is what the Kings appear to need more than anything so if the right offer comes along it is a possibility, just not likely.

I could see the Kings using Iafallo as part of a package to acquire a more physical LD. The emergence of Durzi, Spence, the imminent arrival of Clarke, and Faber waiting in the wings, seems to have altered the plan for targeting Chychrun. The Kings seem to need a Willie Mitchell type guy more than a true #1 LD right now.
If he stays, I hope AI can prove any critics, including me, wrong with a season more like '20/21. A 50-60 point season would make everyone happy.

Now Chirping

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