***Home Opener GDT!! Colorado Avalanche vs. LA Kings 10/11/23 7:00pm on TNT***

I didn’t get to watch because TNT doesn’t have on demand. So I listened instead & watched some clips afterwards. Based on that I don’t really know if jumping off a roof after the 1st game is justified. But I can’t stop LGK from being LGK. I do think we’re going to have a problem if we can’t put a full roster on the ice. Not only that but because of the cap & worries about waivers, we can’t put our best players on the ice. But the bright spots were Byfield’s goal & Lafrerriere’s fight.

I can't hear you because I already jumped off the roof and this is my ghost.

I will say

I thought that was a ugly ish game. Copley should have started the playoffs - oops, uhh - game.

Defensive zone looked bad and was chasing hard with eyes on the puck. Offensive zone I felt was sloppy as well. The puck kept kinda bouncing at the net. Passes weren't being made cleanly. PP was absolute terrible at 0/5? Avs goalie is really good. Like pulling the goalie will help at 4m left on a 0/5 night. Byfield looked fast and big. Nice goal. Lafrerireirireierereirree looked energized. Good game for the kids. Need to see some gel between Fiala & Dubois. I still think that playing with Fiala is tough - he's incredible (Fiala), but his passes seem to catch literally everyone off surprise. So I hope that works out. Goaltending... ugh. It hurts to have had Quick for so long and now we're worried about goaltending. I think the Kings are mega jetlagged.

But yeah glad to have hockey back. Summer sucks.
Congratulations to the following posters who correctly guessed the Kings first goal would be scored by Grundstrom or that Laferriere would be tabbed with the kings first penalty. Nobody guessed both:

Grundstrom First Goal (1 Point)

Laferriere First Penalty (1 Point)

The reality of the kings schedule to open this season with their current cap troubles is looking like everyone better get ready for the long haul here. This will not be a pretty month. I get getting Kaliyev back to eligibility (I honestly don't know if the NHL or the NHLPA would have a problem with the Kings just sending him down to get through this bit of injury troubles) but if you told me to pick between the two of him and Laf in the lineup right now, I'm going Laf 100%. Before we get too high on the hype train though, remember Laf is a rookie who will most undoubtably hit the rookie wall at some point.

The good parts of the game were Moore looking like the Moore that earned that contract, Q being rewarded and not just looking like a physical presence but being one, and Laf fitting right into a line that looks dangerous. The best part of all three of them doing so is their effort level absolutely overshadowed the level of Lizotte (who absolutely tried his best to check the hell out of the glass with his face) which as admirable as he is, was a problem last year.

The bad parts of the game were myriad, number 1 of which was Talbot who did not look comfortable at all and might be worse at handling the puck than Quick ever was. Secondly PLD is a great look on this team, but he is not a plug and play replacement for Gabe on the powerplay. They have different skillsets and its a mistake to have him as the net front. But thirdly and maybe most importantly Mac Mikko and Cale are simply better than everyone on the kings and its not close. If they are going to compete with teams who have that talent to "get theirs" they better have a plan and an identity and it's not there yet.
It was my 1st game at Staples since the pandemic.. technically late Feb 2020 when I got sick (and missed like 5+ home games before the shutdown because I didn't want to scare people into thinking I had COVID). Gave up my Season Tickets in 304 so I got to sit in 114 last night.

Impressions at Staples from my point of view.

- I parked at Nyssa's lot at around 5:30 PM. Near the 110 freeway, Gate C or whatever it was called I was at the crosswalk waiting for the light to turn green and in front of me it was Brad Richardson, Jake Muzzin, and pretty sure it was Teddy Purcell. All in suits, holding fancy looking notebooks. Richardson I knew 100%. Muzzin, I kept second guessing myself because he should be in Toronto? But he is retired and is a scout.. Purcell I always liked so maybe that's why I knew his face. Anyway, I'm not a bold person so I didn't ask for a picture or wanted to disturb them. Just thought it was cool to see them in human clothes. Richardson kept cracking jokes from what I could see. (Nyssa confirmed during intermission that it was indeed Muzzin with a picture as proof. =D)

- Got to see the Brownie banner in person. Pretty cool!

- Kings using some kind of lion roar sound effect when their penalty is killed is bush league. That **** is cheesy at Reign games already, don't do this in the NHL please.

- Kings PA Announcer actually repeating the road team's goals + assist after the initial announcement. I guess they got flak from the league for purposely announcing it once only in previous seasons.

- Due to the Kings ineffectiveness last night, no GKG chants really. Some tried but it didn't last for more than 3 seconds.

- The remodel of the upper level when I went upstairs with Dex was nice. Everything from the lighting to the floors.. very intimate feeling compared to the lower level. notbob said it because they got rid of the riffraff. lol

- As for the game itself. Honestly only had good things to say about Laferriere. Kid felt like he belonged. He hit, he fought, he was the only one who dared to shoot on net.

- Lewis. Hard worker, he was one of the few who really grinded along the boards when he was in front of me. But.. he doesn't do anything else, which is expected I guess.

- Byram, saw that dude board Danault and Kempe almost in front of my area. When he boarded Danault he was all like "How was that a cross check?!" Then he did the same to Kempe. Byfield went to talk to him. No idea what was said but Byfield didn't look mad and the ref quickly escorted Byram to the box.

- Everyone else was just overpassing, trying to play as if they're a skilled team when they're clearly not. (At least not last night)

- That's all I got. Thanks for reading. Fun to be back at Staples for the first time in basically 44 months. o_o Will probably be my first and only game of the season. We'll see how it goes. :lol:
Talbot was not impressive, in the slightest. Is this what hungry for a chance to win looks like from an experienced netminder? I was hoping for at least a sub-par cat performance circa 2001. If T-mac starts Talbot against Carolina my head will explode.
It was not all Talbot, of course, but c'mon man!
Start Copley.
Talbot was not impressive, in the slightest. Is this what hungry for a chance to win looks like from an experienced netminder? I was hoping for at least a sub-par cat performance circa 2001. If T-mac starts Talbot against Carolina my head will explode.
It was not all Talbot, of course, but c'mon man!
Start Copley.
The worst part about Talbot was all the flopping. It felt like anything could go in. Kings played so insecure in front of Peterson last season and they will again in no time if Talbot keeps that up his next couple starts.

Copley may be average but he moves steadily and you know what you’re getting. There’s a reason the team played better in front of him.
Talbot was not impressive, in the slightest. Is this what hungry for a chance to win looks like from an experienced netminder? I was hoping for at least a sub-par cat performance circa 2001. If T-mac starts Talbot against Carolina my head will explode.
It was not all Talbot, of course, but c'mon man!
Start Copley.

Talbot is not the answer. I still cannot believe our goaltending situation did not change.
Laffie ate 5 or 6 punches, maybe landed one? They claim he won the fight because he did the "I'm losing the fight so I'll go for the take down maneuver".....interesting take by the NY POST.
journalists know better than to let facts get in the way of a good story
Laffie ate 5 or 6 punches, maybe landed one? They claim he won the fight because he did the "I'm losing the fight so I'll go for the take down maneuver".....interesting take by the NY POST.
agree....he was losing that fight bad. smart move to just do the takedown.
The Kings have "Average " Goaltending now.
Lets not get it confused, Kings are playing Colorado.....and not Arizona, Columbus, Vancouver, and other struggling teams. Maybe those teams mentioned will rise up over the course of the year, but I hope get what I am saying.
Don’t look now but, the ‘average’ Canucks whipped Edmonton 8-1 last night.. yikes.
Laffie ate 5 or 6 punches, maybe landed one? They claim he won the fight because he did the "I'm losing the fight so I'll go for the take down maneuver".....interesting take by the NY POST.
Considering that this was his first fight in hockey, he did pretty well.
The worst part about Talbot was all the flopping. It felt like anything could go in. Kings played so insecure in front of Peterson last season and they will again in no time if Talbot keeps that up his next couple starts.

Copley may be average but he moves steadily and you know what you’re getting. There’s a reason the team played better in front of him.

And no reason he's not playing. I hope TMac figures that out quick.
Talbot was not even average in the game. I didn't see even 1 very good save. In fact for a moment I thought the kings and brought Labarbera back
And no reason he's not playing. I hope TMac figures that out quick.
Copley took the net from Quick. No reason he can’t take it from Talbot. I believe he will win enough 1-goal games to make it so. Will see how many multi-goal losses Talbot accrues before this happens.
Laffie ate 5 or 6 punches, maybe landed one? They claim he won the fight because he did the "I'm losing the fight so I'll go for the take down
True but to be fair it didn't seem like a fight he wanted, or even agreed to, before the Avs player grabbed him and starting throwing punches.

Need to see some gel between Fiala & Dubois. I still think that playing with Fiala is tough - he's incredible (Fiala), but his passes seem to catch literally everyone off surprise. So I hope that works out.
Agreed and this is my biggest fear, outside of goal-tending. I know it's still early but their styles don't seem like a fit. Fiala looked a lot better last season with Lizotte, oddly enough. Hope he and Dubois get there.
Talbot makes me so nervous out there. Its like any shot has a good chance of going in.
It wasnt just Talbot inducing nerves... dear god every time Mac and Rantanen were out there it felt like a scoring chance was incoming... Not sure if they're capable of defending dominant pairs like that... (felt like McD and Drai together during the playoffs-)
No need to lose it about this loss, the Kings have much easier games ahead of them. Carolina, revenge game in Winnipeg and the Wild
I forgot to mention last night....they are trying to make one of the Kings new slogans be "Los Angeles Born" (since the Kings did not move here from somewhere else). NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!! That is Vegas' slogan!! We are not Vegas!!!!!!
I forgot to mention last night....they are trying to make one of the Kings new slogans be "Los Angeles Born" (since the Kings did not move here from somewhere else). NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!! That is Vegas' slogan!! We are not Vegas!!!!!!

That's an ugly slogan. Slogan's an ugly word. Slogan's are ugly.
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