***LA Kings vs. New York Rangers GDT 12/10/23 4:00pm on BSW***

Well that sucked. Both of these NY games were lost due to penalties. Last night was more bad officiating. This one was more on the Kings. They seemed to be worn out from the road trip & being short handed. I’m also not happy that Quick won. I love him before this game & after this game. But not today. And when the Rags come to LA, are we now going to have to do a tribute video for Johnny Brodzinski? The only good thing about this game was Danault coming back from injury & scoring a goal. He’s a warrior:
Just where was this version of Quick last year before he was traded? I know the Kings didn't have that much help on the blue line that time, but Quick should not have been looking so washed up when he was still there.
Quick is fueled by proving everyone wrong. That’s how he got the job over Bernier & how he won 383 games. And when everyone thought he was washed up he’s again proving everyone wrong.
I’m not gonna pat Quicky on the back quite yet. The Rags defense is really good. The Kings had very little grade A chances…lots of blocks & deflections.
Plus, last game of a tough stretch.
Quick is fueled by proving everyone wrong. That’s how he got the job over Bernier & how he won 383 games. And when everyone thought he was washed up he’s again proving everyone wrong.

See: 2012 8th seed, goes on to be the beastiest beast there ever was against Brodeur, and 2014 against Hank. I remember all the "yeah but can Quick outplay THAT guy?" lol.

I’m not gonna pat Quicky on the back quite yet. The Rags defense is really good. The Kings had very little grade A chances…lots of blocks & deflections.
Plus, last game of a tough stretch.

Kings looked dead tired from the start, and with the nonstop penalties it didn't help.

Well that sucked. Both of these NY games were lost due to penalties. Last night was more bad officiating. This one was more on the Kings. They seemed to be worn out from the road trip & being short handed. I’m also not happy that Quick won. I love him before this game & after this game. But not today. And when the Rags come to LA, are we now going to have to do a tribute video for Johnny Brodzinski? The only good thing about this game was Danault coming back from injury & scoring a goal. He’s a warrior:

Have they done a tribute video for Quick already? And yeah I figured Danault would be back out there (optimistically) - I did not figure he'd go score a badass goal. Reminded me of Justin Williams there for some reason. I also am sad Gavi ended up being hurt.

That was a weird game to watch. Quick's my favorite player alongside Kopi. I was rooting for em beating on Dubois :/ Glad he's on the east coast if he has to be somewhere else.
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Congratulations to the following posters who correctly guessed the Kings would score 3 goals over 2 games or that both goalies would combine to within +/-2 of 48 saves:

3 goals (1 Point):

46,50 saves (1 point):

Big congratulations to Jerram for being the only poster even within 2 of the combined saves of the game!

For the game itself, similar to the Av's game its pretty clear that you have to big picture this vs looking at it as a top team matchup with predictive power. Both teams on b2b starting their backups (yes it works out well that one is Quick's revenge game). At that the singular incidences of the game are definitely far from normal, losing Danault for a period or so to a puck to the face, losing Gavrikov for 2 periods (maybe more), a game that even the NY beat writer called "strangely officiated". Add in the 3 in 4 aspect and the absurdly low shot totals by both teams and its fair to say the takeaways from the game that matter are probably in order:
1) While the feistiness around the net is something that vocal fans want to see, the Kings are clearly not in their element with it in terms of effectiveness on the scoreboard. Those powerplays hurt, alot, especially down 2 of your top PK players.
2) That said, watching Kopitar absolutely maul a guy in a bear hug had to be only topped by watching Q with two rags in a headlock.
3) Roy without Gav was a stark reminder of who's the 3 and who's the 4. He made that great outlet pass to Grundy, but aside from that his own end work was rougher than we've seen.
4) This might be lower than some would like to see, but down Danault for a period plus I think many of us want to see "more" from PLD. I'll refrain from openly bashing him on it simply because I'm not sure what "more' from PLD should look like. I mean people used to say Kopi wasn't worth the 7 million on his second contract because he was "Perimitar". Kopi's game hasn't changed but his salary went up and the team won 2 cups because they let him drive the bus. I don't know if Todd's got a plan for PLD to be able to do the same so he can flourish. But man did it sure look like he was standing straight up and watching a lot of play this night.
5) I don't want to make too much of the 5 in 8, I do think the 3 in 4 is a genuine predictive stat in the NHL these days. But 5 in 8 on the road in the east....If that's an excuse then this team having 5 games in hand on everyone due to the light schedule predicts that there's lots of pain ahead in December.
Bill Ranford, our then goalie coach (who has since been replaced by Mike Buckley in June of this year as Ranford recently got promoted to director of goaltending operations for the Kings), must have lost some of his mojo and allowed Quick and Petersen to turn into sieves last season. That probably was a factor that lead to Quick being traded and Petersen sent down to Ontario and eventually getting shipped to Philadelphia. And although Talbot is rediscovering his form here in LA this season, he can only do so much before he gets brought down to Earth and turn back to the average Talbot of old.
I would say defense turned both of them into sieves las season.
Hockey players. Imagine a soccer player getting hit in the mouth w soccer ball. Team def got a boost, but bummer that they could not get the 2nd....

Soccer players would drop dead the moment they get hit with even the most remote lightness of force and cry like babies afterwards. That's one of the reasons why I don't care at all for soccer let alone not even wanting to pay respect for it and to think of diving/embellishment as an acceptable form of strategy speaks volumes about the standards all other countries around the world employ. Besides hockey, diving/embellishment has already creeped its way into basketball and [gridiron] football (though it's much rarer in the latter) and it's ruining the integrity of the games every time it happens. And while it doesn't count, pro wrestling such as WWE takes diving/embellishment into an art form and is standard procedure so it's not surprising at all.
Soccer players would drop dead the moment they get hit with even the most remote lightness of force and cry like babies afterwards. That's one of the reasons why I don't care at all for soccer let alone not even wanting to pay respect for it and to think of diving/embellishment as an acceptable form of strategy speaks volumes about the standards all other countries around the world employ. Besides hockey, diving/embellishment has already creeped its way into basketball and [gridiron] football (though it's much rarer in the latter) and it's ruining the integrity of the games every time it happens. And while it doesn't count, pro wrestling such as WWE takes diving/embellishment into an art form and is standard procedure so it's not surprising at all.
If that's your jam you should really also check out rugby. Remember though, just because you don't care for it doesn't mean there aren't people that do.
If there's a game I didn't mind the Kings losing, it was this one against Quick. It was a win either way to me. If the Kings win? Awesome. If the Kings lose? Quick is another win closer to being the greatest American goalie (though he already is). Quick is at 383 wins now.
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