***PLAYOFFS Rd1 Game 5 GDT Kings @ Oilers 5/10/22 7:00pm on BSSC & ESPN2***

Stecher!!!!! Babysitting friends dog this week just scared the crap out if her. Great work by tonka there
The man, the sparkplug.


Leah Hextall just called Dustin Brown the captain. #SMH

She's awful. I have to watch the ESPN feed. The scream when Troy scored the goal was too over the top. Anytime somebody has a good scoring chance she just starts yelling. She's analogous to the prospect who was called up too young and was ruined.
The Kings really need another LD. Edler is showing his age and Maatta is a replacement level guy.
Love how they’re playing in front of their net on the pucks clearing pucks taking care of things for quick