Random Thoughts Thread

Bring it!

Is that your own bed?
Are sheets extra?
Do you offer a LGK discount?
A group discount?
Do you have a punch card for repeat customers?
Are walk-ins welcome?
Does the dog have to watch?
More upon requests!!!(that's what she said)!!!!!!
Someone told me the other day that pain is just weakness leaving the body. I should be able to lift a 747 with all the pain I have!!!
They say that Susanna's a funny old man...

With a name like that...I wouldn't be the least bit surprised...
Do you think that when they asked George Washington for his I.D. he took out a quarter?
Yes, madam, I am drunk. But in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly.
Winston Churchill
poor bastard from suicide silence love the band but read he drank and drove his bike into a pole. Now i dont feel bad he choose to ****ing gamble his life? was it worth it dood?!
In case you're worried about what's going to become of the younger generation, it's going to grow up and start worrying about the younger generation.
Had the opportunity today to hang out on ATT field where the giants play. My son wanted to play in the sand near second base while I laid down in the grass with our 4 month old and let her have some tummy time on the grass. Seems Norcal people can't let this go by without "whoa didn't see the baby" or "look out for the baby" comments even though I'm laying within 6 inches of the baby on the grass amd they are 10 feet away.

Random thought, does a Norcal idiot really think I'm not going to ****ing munch the **** out of them if they attempt to step on my baby while I'm laying with her in the middle of Giants stadium?
The cake is a lie

A few years ago, my daughter asked me to write "LIE" on her birthday cake. It was a big hit at her party, especially when I hid it for awhile when no one was looking.
"Where did the cake go?"
"There is no cake."
"Oh, I get it. That's cool. Do we still get to eat it?"
"Eat what?"
"Um, nevermind."
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.
Whenever I see hitchhikers, I just pretend they're telling me that I'm doing a great job driving.
Marriage is a three ring circus
... engagement ring, wedding ring and suffering ...
A man came to the door and asked if i would donate to the local swimming pool. So I gave him a glass of water.
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