Random Thoughts Thread

Things I learned today: Jeremy Clarkson's mom invented the Paddington bear stuffed animal from the books she read to her son in 1972.

This makes the old Top Gear Burma special with "Jam Bear" more poignant.

I took both the red and blue pills and now I live in the videodrome!!! see_stars: :crazymonkey:
I suggest that from now on, when a 'controversial' actor gets digitally removed from a movie or show, they should get automatically replaced with Roger Rabbit.


Or we just stop doing that stupid **** altogether and leave people alone to their opinions.
Trying to remember passwords on a new tablet is hard when you switched more than half of them within the last two months...
Think I have 4-6 weeks more of hospital time...but at least I'm taking baby steps again...about ten feet of those...

Still having difficulty getting from a wheelchair to a walker...and walker to bed... That will take at least two of those weeks I think...
I am hoping, my generation, is the sweet spot for the robot revolution. When we are way too old to work, robots will take care of MOST things.

And NOT turn evil and go SKYNET 'till after we are mostly dead. Let Gen Z and after deal with that. mhihi: :cheers:
It's getting to the point when I call old high school and army chums, half our conversation deals with who has and who

is dying.

I guess I won't be buying any more green banana's.
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Random thought: I ugly cried when Rahul won the Great British Bake Off* and catch myself thinking about how happy it still makes me.

Aside: in the Finale, at the 30 minute mark, a jar exploded from extreme heat in the tent and glass went everywhere ruining everything, he had to start over. Dude, even the judges started crying and his other competitors gave him "injury time" at the end to complete his dish. Feck all dude, Rahul are you magic?


*circa 2018 -season six

Anyway, happy thoughts and I wish I had seen it in real time, for internet commenting. =)
I'll be going home on March 6th... Then I can celebrate my annual 39th birthday the following day...
It's interesting that I took the Greek Mythology influenced username Orpheus because based on my looks, I should've taken Medusa. :sh0ck: mhihi: :cheers:
It's interesting that I took the Greek Mythology influenced username Orpheus because based on my looks, I should've taken Medusa. :sh0ck: mhihi: :cheers:

Dolphin: Just to be a goof I checked if buzzfeed had a greek mythology quiz, they do. Enjoy.


My results (christ? really?):
You are Dionysus, god of wine and a good time. It's always a sub-par party without you, and that's why you'll always be surrounded by friends and loved ones.
Getting Apollo does not help my narcissistic tendencies

Right?! I fully concede the point but it just makes us look like we lack depth. Pfft. Being the god of t*ts and wine just seems so Robert Baratheon and he'd would not be caught dead wearing :this is what a feminist looks like t-shirt. So conflicted.
I'm Ares, the God of War, apparently. Now please excuse me while I go invade Ukraine.
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