devenir gris
Bite away or fire away...yes it's cool to say 'I was there back in the day' and I get that. I love a good rant more than most. I appreciate that it has grown away from the purpose that it served and I thank those that came before me. In the meantime I love the sights, smells, and memories that the con has afforded me the past couple years. You have to remember...time changes all. Comic books were in the closet so to speak when this started...and now...they have come out screaming. A good idea is a good idea and success breeds contempt. Is ComicCon perfect? NOPE. But it's multicolored multi-paneled...just like the comics that spawned it(see what I did there). And I will cherish it till I cannot anymore. My cynicism goes away when I get to go all fanboy for 4 days. I get to see folks who I admire, laugh at those less fortunate than I, and come home with swag, toys and cool memories. Once again...CANNOT wait for the bad food, geek body odor, and long waits in line. Excelsior.
don't get me wrong... i hear ya, and often times i would heavily lobby against most things 'purist' as evidenced by something as simple as my musical tastes. problem is, there are certain facets of my life that prohibit me from being able to plan so far in advance for something like this, and the ever increasing gaggle of non-geeks gives me preemptive heartburn - to the point that i don't think i could stomach the nausea i'm sure to encounter because of such a large mob and having to at least feel the compulsion to fast-track rather than meander... and take in that nerdy fanboy effervescence in all its glory.
the success per se isn't what has bred my contempt... the bi-product has, dig? that said, beleee me, i would NEVER want it to go back to the days of the early/mid Nineties... f*** THAT noise!
the last one i went to was the Revenge of the Sith-ic Con, so i think i ended on a high... farting was still funny then, whereas now it seem the general climate would think it grodie!