The Avengers/Marvel movies

Howard the Duck: Kevin Smith Reacts to the Show's Cancelation

Kevin Feige took over all things Marvel, and he cancelled the already developed Smith written Howard, Patton Oswalt's M.O.D.O.K, Tigra, and Dazzler cartoon hour set up at Hulu. Weird. And it's not on hold, despite animation being done, voice actors cast, and as Kevin Smith says, 'everyone got paid'. Is it Hulu? I mean, Disney owns that, what happened? Stay tooned.
Howard the Duck: Kevin Smith Reacts to the Show's Cancelation

Kevin Feige took over all things Marvel, and he cancelled the already developed Smith written Howard, Patton Oswalt's M.O.D.O.K, Tigra, and Dazzler cartoon hour set up at Hulu. Weird. And it's not on hold, despite animation being done, voice actors cast, and as Kevin Smith says, 'everyone got paid'. Is it Hulu? I mean, Disney owns that, what happened? Stay tooned.

Stay Tuned is my favorite Cabin in the Woods prequel
‘Eternals’ Will Be the First MCU Movie to Feature a Same-Sex Kiss

I hope for the days where this headline is unecessary.

Both Fantasy Island, and Birds of Prey had lgbtq rep. They introduced the characters as gay and just moved on. The character in F.I. did not 'act different'. Was just presented as a regular person.

Now, is Marvel, notorious for it's secrecy, letting this out now to bury the lead before the movie is even close to opening? Or is he trying to get some headlines and buzz for a very risky movie?
Kumail Nanjiani Says ‘The Eternals’ Has a Bollywood Dance Number, and That Rules

I am finally interested in this.

The feel of the comic story is just so ... out there to me. If they have a Bollywood dance number so be it. The story is just such a strange one to me. I am interested as well ... mainly due to the casting ... but the whole thing is dream like so nothing will surprise me.
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