Groceries All things:CONDIMENTS

I only really use ketchup for breakfast foods.

Never on a hotdog unless that's the protein i'm using for breakfast, lol. I think I like the extra sugar kick to get me going since I don't use syrups or jams/jellies very often.
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Lies. Propaganda. What the hell are you supposed to put on fries? Balderdash!

Obviously they need to try this.

It's a nice smoky hot ketchup that is great in the morning on hash browns, good on hot dogs and I'm sure would kick fries up a notch or two. Available at Target.

With each door that closes...
Another opens.

Hot...tasty...tangy...tomato-ey, hurm.

Not quite the same as First Street (rip)...but close enough to count.

Like this a lot.
I wholeheartedly agree that ketchup does not belong on a hot dog. Just mustard and relish for me, thanks. But if y'all aren't having bacon-wrapped hot dogs (Hebrew National being my preferred brand), dressed with some mayonnaise (I really, really like Heinz), you're missing out.

Be proactive and stock up on statins first. It's worth it.

Bacon wrapped hotdogs, yes. Mayonnaise?


Haha. I bought this somewhat because I liked the label. It looks like something out of a Kurosawa movie, but I digress, haha.

But this dressing does have a unique Asian flavor. I tried it with salad last night and it really gave it a kick. I could see myself adding it to my next stir fry noodles. :D
I wish they sold Benihana's Ginger Sauce in a bottle. I love that taste.
This stuff is awesome. Not too much heat, but a lot of flavor. I doused a Hawaiian pizza with this stuff and it was amazing. Burgers, salad, curly fries, Jack in the Box tacos... all amazing.

An Op-Ed About Ranch Dressing Has The Condiment Debate Raging Hotter Than Ever

This morning, when the Washington Post fired back with the Hit ?Em Up of food rants, titled, ?Ranch dressing is what?s wrong with America.? Which we can all probably agree is a little dramatic. It had some doozy lines too. Like this gem:

First, it?s disgusting. It tastes like exactly what it is, which is milk that?s halfway rotten. Why would anyone want to take something that they would throw out if they unexpectedly smelled it in their fridge and put that on their salad?

That paragraph reveals the author?s shaky handle on dairy-foods. Plenty of wonderful foods are based on bacteria cultures. Using this logic, the ?halfway rotten? argument might also apply to a whole smattering of cheeses, anything fermented, etc.

Things got hotter:

Second, diners are using it incorrectly. Putting ranch on salad at least has a rationale: Many people don?t appreciate vegetables and feel compelled to slather everything in processed fat. Fine. But why would anyone use it on french fries? Because deep-fried food isn?t greasy and caloric enough? And putting it on pizza ? a horrifying, common practice ? is insane because pizza is already dripping with mozzarella. It?s completely redundant, wildly unhealthy and disrespectful to any halfway decent pizza, the chef who made it and to the Italian people who gave it to us.

So, basically: ?**** Ranch Dressing as a staff, food product, and as a mother****ing crew. And if you want to be down with Ranch Dressing, **** you too!?

I don't know if I am as militant as this guy, but I am not the biggest fan of Ranch. Much rather use Marzetti's Dill Dip or something else if you are going for the creamy side of town
An Op-Ed About Ranch Dressing Has The Condiment Debate Raging Hotter Than Ever

I don't know if I am as militant as this guy, but I am not the biggest fan of Ranch. Much rather use Marzetti's Dill Dip or something else if you are going for the creamy side of town

Yeah, but props to the guy for paraphrasing Tupac in conveying his disdain for ranch.
It is with great sadness that I announce that smart & final appears to have discontinued First street sricha.

A moment of silence.

Well well well...stopped in my local S&F...AND IT'S BACK!!!!!!!!

Blue cheese>Ranch but it has its uses. Ranch is mainly used for potato skins when I run out of sour cream
Lately...I've been using the Panda Express orange well as their sweet chili sauce (if I don't have the orange in hand) for one of my signature dishes... It's better tasting than my drunk chicken base...and it's about $15 cheaper... So far...those two put it over the top...just avoid their kung pao's nasty...
I lived on AM/PM Hotdogs with Mayo and Jalapeno's for a bit in college, lol.

I'll go with mayo or garlic aioli over ketchup 99.99% of the time for fries.

I loved ketchup as a kid though, put it on everything, but I grew up.
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Travelled to Wal Mart because I needed cheap solutions to modern day living...

Bought this, haven't tried yet. Figure it's gotta be kinda ghetto, because I have never seen it anywhere else. I'll let you know when I crack it open.

These, on the other hand...are spectacular.
I bought my usual run of Lingham's Hot Sauce and decided to give their Sriracha a try as I'm out of "The Rooster" too. We'll see how it tastes.
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